Chapter 17

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[Theres a knock at the door and unknown goes to open it]

???: [opens door] hey Craig *looking around* what are you doing here?

Craig: I can't come to see my friend or are you gonna swerve me like everyone else.

???: naw come in. But seriously tho why are you here?

[both walk in and sit on the couch]

Craig: I have to have a reason to come and chill with a friend? wow you think I did it too don't you.

???: No, no I don't think you did it, you look sad what's wrong wanna talk about it?

Craig: what's wrong? the whole fuckin world is wrong! that's what's wrong.

???, okay calm down, just chill.... umm.... wanna play 2k12?

Craig: yea I guess.

[they start to play the game when there is another bang on the door but this one is different this was kind of knock that leaves you stunned especially with the voice that came along with it on the other side saying OPEN UP!]

Craig: you okay bro?...... I'll get it.

[gets up and opens the door]

[craig: see by now I'm used to this loud bang on the door and this heavy base filled voice yelling for the door to be opened because its the authority's. there probably just here for me or so I thought]

Craig: yea, yea, yea, I know I'm under arrest fo....

officer: Are you Mr.August?

Craig: No I'm Craig Crippen

Cop: step aside we're here for a

Mr.Chresantos August.

[pushes Craig aside]

[by now Craig is standing at the door way in shock and confusion wondering what the fuck is going on]

chres: Aye man you can't just walk into my house like that.

officer: I'm guessing you are a

Mr.Chresantos August

chres: yes, why?

officer: well sir we got an anonymous call stating that we should search the premises.

chres: do you have a search warrant?

officer: yes, why do you ask?

chres: No reason, go ahead and search I don't have shit to hide.

[Craig walks over and pulls chres to the side to have a word with him as the officer looks for evidence to incriminate chres on whatever type of allegation he was given information on.]

Craig: Aye my nigga, what the fuck is going on? Why the cops here?

Chres: man I don't know, he looking for something but ain't gon' find shit.

Craig: but that don't explain why he's here. [walks over to the snooping officer].... [taps his shoulder]. Excuse me officer but can I ask why your here.

office: We got anonymous call at the station.

Craig: about what?

officer: [chuckles] you sure ask a lot of questions. But if you must know, the young lady who called said this is regarding the missing girl... a Ms.Montes.

Craig: you mean Kayla. officer I think that person was joking there's no way Chresantos is involved in this.

officer: well the young lady provided solid evidence all we need to do is find Ms.Montes.

Craig: [in denile] Are you sure the person didn't just make this up?

officer: positive, now could we cease all the noise for a second I think I heard something.

[Craig: Everything gets pitch quiet as chres stands in the corner playing with his fingers looking nervous. The officer was looking all intrigued and focused as if he found what he was looking for but just wasn't quite sure yet. It was so quiet and I'm standing next to the officer looking confused with a migraine rubbing my temples cause this is all too much to process. But that's when I heard it. I couldn't believe my ears. my eyes started to fill with tears as things suddenly became clear. Is this really happening? Is this reality?

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