Chapter 24

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[Craig: Kayla and I got in the car and we started driving. It was around noon and the sun was slowly setting I could feel her burning a hole in the side of my face and I knew what she wanted. Trying to ignore her was hard so I stopped at the upcoming red light reached over and turned on the radio, as soon as i heard

"No Worries by Lil Wayne" playing I changed the station I cant stand that song no offence but he cant rap and hes an ignorant man who enjoys degrading women but anyway on the next staion they were playing a random dance mix song so i reached in the CD Compartment and took out a mix cd I made just last week for times like these, popped it in and let it play. I guess Kay could tell i was trying to avoid our upcoming conversation so she turned the music down and spoke up.]

Kayla: (clears throat) Craig, where are we going?

Craig: (whispers loudly) Its a surprise.

Kayla: okay one, why are you talking like that and two, you know I don't like surprises so can you just tell me already.

Craig: No, that's why its called a surprise.

Kayla: ughhhh *sighs* fine can you at least give me a clue.

Craig: [I looked at her as she eagerly waited for my response and reached over and turned the radio back up] There's your clue.

Kayla: (Throws up her middle finger and yells over the music) FUCK YOU!

Craig: (Also screaming over the music) LOVE YOU TOO!

Kayla: (Tries to hide her blushing)



[Kayla: So Craig basically kidnapped me and won't tell me where were going, talking bout "its a surprise" nigga please I will cut you. then he tried to be a bitch and avoid my question by turning up the music but I'm not even gonna lie this is my song as I sang along to the words to "The Morning by The Weeknd" I kinda got in my feelings while starring out the window just kinda thinking about these past few weeks and watching as we passed nothing but trees then I saw a sign that said "HAVE FUN" in big bold colourful letters with balloons tied to the sign which only made me wanna know even more, where the hell this nigga was taking me then the car slowly started coming to a hault, parking on the grass next to a field with what seemed like a shit load of other cars and happy laughing people a kids all walking the same direction. Craig turned off the ignition and we kinda sat there in silence for a second. Craig opens his door and got out making his way around to my side but I opened the door and got out just before he made it, I closed the door and stood in front of him just starring with a blank face and he just looked at me like he didn't know what was going on.]

Craig: (sounding hesitant) K...kayla, I was coming to open the door for you bu-

[Kayla: before he could say anything else I ran and jumped on him and covered his face with kisses repeatedly, saying "Thank You" in between kisses I plant a big one on his lips and as surprised as he was he kissed back then I pulled away saying thank you once more as I jumped off an astonished Craig and re-situated myself starting to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back pushing me up against his car while wrapping his arms around my waist all I could do was look from his indulging eyes back at his lips then back at his eyes again and leaning in at the same time we were both obviously caught up in the moment, now nose to nose our foreheads leaning on each others my arms, well one arm cause I still have this stupid cast on, made its way to back of his neck drawing him in because I couldn't wait anymore for his lips to be on mine. We passionately kissed as I drowned in his embrace he pulled away and he whispered in my ear as I breathed heavily.]

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