HER: Chapter three: bakugou!

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"Bakugo....stop!....please..stop...." you pant In between words grabbing onto your stomach and sides. a vein pops out of Bakugos head.

"(L/N).." he growls lowly while throwing you down along with his arm.

'He's so strong..' You let go falling to the floor landing on your sides. "Oh!" You shout in pain a cough of blood stopping you from screaming. mouth wide open eyes squeezed shut from sheer pain you swallow the thick coppery substance. You pinch your sides trying to ease the pain.

"(Y-y/N)?..." you look over seeing your small friend and her pigtails. She looks terrified.

Your eyes widen.


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"S-shin-ae..go just go I'll be fine! Me and bakugou are just playing a game!.." you pause looking at her wearily stumbling to your feet a stoic expression crossing your face. "We still have to go shopping remember? If you head to the store I'll buy you a treat okay?" You put up a smile trying to calm your friend. 'Please go...'


it's like she read your mind. After what feels like forever she's gone. 'Thank you Shin-ae' You fall to the floor coughing while blood seeps from the side of your lips. You look up to see bakugos crimson eyes are staring right into yours Creating burning holes into them. "Bak-" you're cut off by the hot head


He pauses smoke coming off his fists. You cover your face along with your stomach making a squeal Nothing happens. You look up confused. 'H-he's gone...?'

Time Skip

"Alright what would you like Shin-Ae?" A warm smile crosses your face. When you see your little friends eyes sparkle looking at the candy isle.

"I-I can pick anything?" She questions with the cutest tone ever before

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"I-I can pick anything?" She questions with the cutest tone ever before.

"Yes, yes you can." She runs trough the isles looking trough everting eventually she stops. "What'd you find?" You ask peering at whet she could possibly want. "Ohhh is it this?" You say smirking. Reaching for a bag of Cotten candy you stop grabbing your side in pain. You clench your teeth and close your eyes.

"Y-" shin-aes stopped by a gasp. You feel a chest on your back and a hand reaching over you. You close your eyes twitching a little.

"I-u..uhh.." you'd sallow the thick muchas in your throat barely Abel to breath. Finally you turn around to see a familiar face. 'Bakugou....?' You jump back running into the shelves "ow..." you grab your head looking at the floor. You look up when you feel a bag being placed into your hands. 'Why's he not looking at me?' He turns around walking away hands in his pockets. You turn to shin-Ae and give her the bag of Cotten candy. After a little you head to the cashier giving him your groceries. "Thanks Mr. Le have a good day!!" You smile waving goodbye to your well known 'friend'

Time Skip

You knock on a friends door holding a folder and a bag of mini sugar cookies. The door opens. "Hello Mrs. Mydoria! I have izukus homework and a treat for the two of you!" Your friends mother smiles greeting you in.

"Thanks dear! He'll appreciate it so much! He's been sick all day with a fever."

"Aw Im so sorry! tell him I said get well soon!" She smiles watching you leave shin-Ae fallowing behind.

Time Skip

"Y-you and that guy weren't really playing were you?.." shin-ae questions with a bit or Shane in her voice. you sigh

"no..no we weren't. But don't worry! I'll be okay I'm tough you and your mom know that!" You say with a smile.

"Yeah but..can you stay for dinner? My moms making soba..it will help you feel better." Your smile grows wider

"I'd love to Shin-Ae"

Time Skip

"Shin-Ae told me about your fight today (Y/N). You really shouldn't let people do that to you I understand you don't have a quirk but at least try standing up for yourself." Shin-aes mom sighs before speaking again. "Let's have a look hun" you nod

"yes Nana" you take your uniform jacket off slowly revealing a black tank top.

"Oh honey..."

kin's face face saddens seeing your Shoulders already covered in bruises. You lift the side of your shirt up making her gasp. Your side is black and yellow making a few parts green. "No wonder it's hard to breath" you say sarcastically. Kins brow furrow

"nows not the time for you to be a smartass"

her tone is demanding yet worrying. You nod as Nana Kin as She puts a syringe in her arms drawing out blood she looks at you asking for permission you nod. She sticks the syringe in your sides and the color of the bruise starts to fade.

Thanks Nana."

Time Skip

Your walking by the side of the road by the fields of weeds. You're far from the area you live, like way far. You come here to think. You're humming a song your mom used to sing to you. "Mom...i miss you.." you look up at the sky tears filling the corner of your tired eyes. You look back down at the road. It's bright out but it's a more yellow tone now that the suns setting Your eyes widen when you see the road around you light up. "What..the hell?" You squint your eyes trying to focus on the light. It's getting brighter or so you thought. "Oh shit!" It's getting closer!

You run grabbing your side causing you to slow down

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You run grabbing your side causing you to slow down. You jump over a wire fence running to a small tree in the middle of the field. "A shooting star!? It's not possible This early in the night!" You fall realizing that it's changed course "it's fallowing me!?" You shake your head thinking you're going crazy. Before you know it there's a whistling sound causing you to look up "OH FUC-" you're cut off by a loud bang causing you to fly into the bark of the tree a few feet from you. You look seeing a ball of light appearing from the creator in the ground. The sky is now black the only light appearing from the creator. The light reminds you of a certain someone. 'Bakugou'

(It's not bakubro bitches)

HER |Katsuki Bakugo x Reader| Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt