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He woke up to Shooky pouncing on his face, yowling at him as she- which he head learned was a 'she' after the cat had practically tried to sit on his face the night before- dug her claws into his cheeks.

Jolting out of his bed, he instinctively swatted the cat away, glaring at it. "What is your problem?" He hissed through gritted teeth, ruffling his messy morning hair. He saw a very amused Koya out of the corner of his eye.

Shooky didn't pay any attention to Namjoon's infuriated attitude, instead choosing to bound off of him and prance to the door. He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. There was no way he was getting up just to follow a dumb cat.

But them Koya chirped annoyingly loud in his ear, as if reprimanding him, and Namjoon sighed as he stood on his feet to head out of his bedroom door.

"What do you want, Shoo-" He froze, eyes staring out the window. Shooky was on the windowsill, haughtily holding her head as if she was the one who had did it.

Outside of his window, in his garden, a small male was smiling as a coy kitten bounded around him. The kitten was clearly very smitten with him, but Namjoon was more importantly concerned about why the male was in his garden.

He wasn't upset that the male was in his garden, per se- he had noticed that the garden had a strange pull on animals and humans alike- but rather why the boy was there so early in the morning, and in a stranger's garden, no less. Didn't he know not to go into a random person's yard?

Namjoon sighed, already tired of the day, before pushing the screen door open that led to his garden. All he was wearing was a simple house robe, but it wasn't like he really cared.

The boy's head instantly shot up in alarm, eyes widening at Namjoon. The kitten let out a small meow. "I- I'm sorry I'm here, sir!"

The boy stood, quickly bowing his head and fidgeting with his sleeve. It took everything in Namjoon to not burst out laughing.

"Why are you here?"

"Sir, I-!" The male hurriedly exclaimed, his face bright red. Namjoon decided he liked this male- he was cute. "I saw Chimmy in the middle of the street, so I was trying to get him off. But then he ran off and I- well, I followed him here. I'm so sorry!"

This time, Namjoon really couldn't control his laugh, eyeing the small kitten who assumed was Chimmy. Chimmy hummed in response, as if she knew exactly what she was doing. A part of him wondered if she had purposely brought the male here- though, that would be a ridiculous idea.

"Hey, it's okay. Who could resist this place?" Namjoon gave the male a cool smile, watching as Shooky bounded her way outside, cheekily brushing against the much smaller kitten.

"It's very pretty," the male sighed softly, head turning to look around the vast garden. Namjoon noticed the almost daydream like expression on his face- and it was beautiful, he noticed, almost like morning mist, or the breaking of sunlight, or the falling of a petal. The male was soft, whereas Yoongi had been more intense, but Namjoon could only see beauty in the stark differences between Min Yoongi and the stranger in his yard.

"I think it likes you," Namjoon said in amusement, glancing down at the male's ankles. The plants seemed to almost wrap themselves around his legs, as if desperate to hold him in place. It didn't seem like his garden wanted this strange male to leave.

The male let out a small giggle, eyes narrowing into crescents as he laughed. "It better not like anyone else, or I'll get jealous," he jokingly scolded the plants, eyes glaring down at the grass.

"Ah, so are you the possessive type?" Namjoon snorted, moving closer to a bush of flowers to delicately trace his thumb over a petal.

Somehow, the male's face seemed to flush even more as he hurriedly looked back up at Namjoon. "No, that's not-! I didn't mean it like-!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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