Chapter 3: An unfortunate chain of events 1

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Nixon gasped and flew down to ground level, Stevens notepad and pen were laying down on the ground. Untouched.....
Nixon quickly snatched them in there arms, looking for her boss. Steven was nowhere to be seen. Nixon was getting worried.......
Where is he...

Matthew paced around his office,worried sick. There was a containment breach going on and his son was trapped in the middle of it.
"W-What if he's Hurt?!" He asked,fear soaked in his voice..
"Mat it'll be fine..." Yami reasured him,patting his back gently.
"I'm just so worried about our little Al..."
"Al has been through much worse"
The door burst open, Peace,Red,Krown,Hyde,Hyde(6),Ace and Alaska stumbled in. Shaken up from the breach. Alaska ran over to his soft-deaf-gay-dad and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

Meanwhile at [DATA EXPUNGED]

"Have you got the message?"
"Y-yes sir..."
"Good. They won't know what's coming"
"The others?"
"No.... Someone else~~"

To Be Continued

SCP; End Of the LineΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα