First Day Of School

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~Andy P.O.V~

It's the first day of school! I was wearing Alan's jersey with light blue high waist jeans and my white converse. I grabbed my black backpack then ran over to the Timmons house so the gang could walk to school together. 

"Damn you look good Andy," Kenny says.

"Thanks, Kenny boy, you don't look too bad yourself," I say in a playful tone. We started walking to school and looking at our schedules. 

"So who do I have classes with?" I say

"Aw babe we only have third and forth together," Alan says.

"Kenny, please say we have more than two classes together," I whined.

"Yeah, weirdo I have all my classes with you." 

Yay! At least I get to see my best friend every day. The gang walked into the cafeteria and sat down at a table. Some girls gave me dirty looks and a few guys came and said hello, so far so good. The first bell rang, Kenny and I walked into class. 

By the third period, I was half asleep and in need of food. I saw Alan and immediately smiled but then saw him kissing Becca. My smile faded, tears fell from my eyes. Kenny grabbed my hand and led me out of the school. 

~Time Skip After School~

Kenny walked me home, he stayed the night to make sure I didn't break down. I saw Alan in his bedroom, his arms looked cut up. He looked up at me then climbed out his window and into mine. 

"Hey," He says softly. 

"Hi," I say quietly.

"I made out with Becca." He blurts out.

"I know, " I felt the tears leave my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking she just kissed me and then things got heated and that's no excuse I'm so sorry Andy"

I couldn't look at him, so instead, I said

"Alan, get out." 

"Do you really want me to leave?" He asks nervously. 

No, I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay, to kiss me, and tell me how much he loves me. But right now I need to be alone.

"I don't, but I need to be alone," I say looking at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. I could tell he was fighting the urge to wipe them away, he walked away from me and climbed out my window. I collapsed onto the floor. Kenny walked in and ran to me, he held me in his arms. He wiped my tears away and let me cry into him. 

I got up and sat on my bed. Kenny followed. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm over mine. I looked and him and kissed him. He pulled away.

"I'm sorry!" I say quickly. He smiles and lifts my chin out lips met. He leans in and kisses me. He pulled away and leaned back on the bed. I fell asleep laying next to him.

~Next Day~

Kenny was gone when I woke up, I'm pretty sure Scotty kicked him out. I looked over and saw Yeah-Yeah waiting for me outside his window. I decided to be nice and meet him, he was wearing a dark black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and white converse. I walked up to him and pulled his sleeve up. My eyes began to water.

"Alan," I whisper.

"I'm so sorry Andy," He whispers. I pull him into a hug. When we pulled away, I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, we walked to school like that.


Alan and I went off campus for lunch at Linda’s Diner, our favorite spot to go. We talk about his family life, the cuts, and everything going on with him. I then told him about my night with Kenny. 

"I deserved that," He says

"No, you didn't," I say, reaching for his hand. He looks at me, grabs my hand, and says, 

"Andy, thank you for letting me talk to you."

"Always and forever babe." I get up and kissed him. We walked back to school.

It was 5th period, I pulled Kenny aside and said,

"Hey about last night, I wasn't thinking and I didn't mean to kiss you." He brushed his hand across my cheek. 

"I get it, but be honest did you enjoy it?"

"Yes I did but I’m in love with Alan," I say. Kenny nods and then hugs me. He tucks a lock of my hair behind my ears then kisses my cheek. I blushed and looked at my feet. He lifts my chin and stares into my eyes, he did that often. I try looking away but I couldn't. He slides his other hand around my waist and then kisses me. I pulled away.

"Kenny, stop I'm with Alan," He dropped his hands.

"Alright but if you ever need me I’ll be here," He smiled then walked away. 

~Time Skip~

School ended and the gang walked home. We all changed into baseball outfits then headed to the sandlot. I was wearing a white tank top, black jeans, and a light yellow plaid flannel. 

When I got to the sandlot the boys were already playing. I took my usual spot, left-center. We all fell into sync and played until dark. Ham hit the final ball and it was straight to me, I caught it, threw it to Squints, who threw it to Tommy and got out Ham. 

~Next Day~

Finally a weekend, last night everyone agreed for another campout so yay! I brought my sleeping bag over to the Timmons treehouse then met the boys on the field. We played a great game until 5pm. Everyone went home for dinner, Scotty and I left a little earlier to met our Aunt's new boyfriend. 

After that whole weird experience, Scotty and I went to the treehouse and hung out with the gang. When I walked in Yeah-Yeah pulled me on his lap, I giggled. We started talking about random things, school drama, home life, etc. Kenny kept stealing glances at me, it was kind of hot. 

It was getting late so we decided to go to bed. I climb into my sleeping bag with Kenny next to me. Alan was talking with the others. I put one of my arms behind my head and the other on my chest. Kenny looked over and then sat up.

"Hey, you may be in love with him but I'm in love with you."

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