Chapter 1: "the prince of darkness is a gentleman"

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" was you?"
My village, destroyed. My mother, my father, and my little sister. All of them dead. His eyes glanced back at me, confused but still without emotion.
"You're the one that destroyed my village? Killed my family?"
"W-wait Kasami..That was your village?"
"You're responsible for the death of my family..Y-you're a monster!"
His face of confusion suddenly turns into a smile. Flames surround us as he laughs at me with pity. I look around frantically as I know now theres no way out. His golden eyes glowing with power and hatred. He lifts his hand as blue flames suddenly form.
"Please don't hurt me"
I try to water bend but I realize too late that my powers are gone. He whips his hands around channeling his lightning and the last thing I see are his eyes as he strikes.

"Kasami wake up!"
Suddenly, I'm awakened by Sokka as I gasp for air, holding my neck.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
Sokka looks down at me with his concerned blue eyes. His hand holds my face as he caresses my cheek with his thumb, his other hand holding my shoulder. I look up at him with tears swelling up in my eyes.
"I-I'm sorry it was just a really bad dream."
I look down with defeat while tracing my scar on the side of my neck delicately with my finger.
"Hey don't ever apologize, its nothing you should be ashamed of."
I immediately pull Sokka into a tight hug, letting my tears fall into his shirt. I know I should tell him about what happened between me and him. I cant seem to tell my story to anyone let alone one of my best friends. Still, after years of seeing that man, my mind cant seem to forget. Its like I'm reliving that night, over and over again.
"You know you can always talk to me, right?"
Sokka sits down on the floor next to me as I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I know. Don't worry about me Sokka, it was just a stupid dream. I'm better now."
"With me here of course"
Sokka smirks at me and squeezes me closer. I roll my eyes and give him a slight laugh.
"Are the love birds not awake yet?"
Katara and Aang are my best friends, but it still grosses me out to see them kissing every 10 minutes.
"No they're still asleep. Thank god."
"Jealous you can't get a girlfriend Sokka?"
I smirk at him as he shoots his head in my direction.
"NO. I have plenty of lovely ladies just waiting for me back at Ba Sing Se."
"Oh really? and who might these lovely ladies be?"
I roll my eyes and raise an eyebrow at him
"Uh..Well theres...I got nothin'."
Sokka looks down sadly and crosses his arms as I laugh.
"Poor Sokka."
I stick my bottom lip out, making a pouty face as I mock him.
"It's okay Sokka, the girl of your dreams might be closer than you think."
I smile up at him and put my hand on his shoulder. Sokka looks over at me, I can see him slightly blushing. I've always wondered if Sokka and I would ever become something more than just friends, but it's so hard to tell. Every time Suki and him break up he starts flirting with me, but when I flirt back, he always ends up insulting me in some way or he gets with some other girl. Or maybe i'm just over thinking everything and he only thinks of me as a friend. I groan in frustration.
"Is something wrong?"
"! I just forgot I had to do some, uh, thing. See ya!"
I quickly get up and jog away. Shit! Why did I do that out loud? I always seem to ruin the good moments don't I.
"Kasami! Have you seen Katara?"
Aang runs up to me, clearly ridden with anxiety and extremely out of breath.
"Aang? Whats going on? I didn't even know you were awake yet!"
"Katara is missing, I cant find her anywhere."
"Don't worry, I'm sure shes just down at the market getting some food for our trip."
I look up at him, hoping I can bring him some sort of comfort.
"I already looked at the market, she's not there Kasami."
My eyes widen. Now I'm a little worried.
"Okay, lets grab our stuff quick and we'll head down to the town to go look for her."
"Thank you."
We head to the room with our stuff, but when I open the door to the closet I see Katara and Sokka both tied up with cloth covering their mouths.
It looks like they have metal around their hands. Who did this? My eyes widen as they look behind us and desperately try to yell. I swiftly turn around to see 4 masked men standing behind Aang and I.
"Its a trap!"
Aang yells as he fire bends at the masked men. I quickly get my water out and go to bend at them, but before I can even begin the earth bender bends metal onto my hands, stopping me from water bending. I try to use my legs to knock him onto the ground but the other one grabs my foot and twists it, successfully making me fall onto the floor.
Aang tries to fight them off but he's quickly overpowered and knocked unconscious. Damn it Aang we could seriously use the avatar state right about now! My vision becomes spotty after my head slams onto the hard ground. I see
Aang being tied up and the fear in my best friends' eyes. Its the same look I saw in my family's eyes before I lost them within the flames all those years ago.
"Please...not again."
I manage to muster out those words before the earth bender picks me back up and slams me back onto the ground. The last thing I see is darkness.

Water Attracts Lightning // Zuko X Kasami (OC) FFWhere stories live. Discover now