Chapter: "we are rarely proud when we are alone"

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Kasami's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open to the sight of a Fire Nation flag across from me. I try to sit up but I find that my body is too sore to move just yet. I notice various parts of my body have bandages.
Where am I?
I look to the other side of the dark and cold room to see a boy, sleeping on the couch next to my bed. I tilt my head and furrow my brows in confusion. His raven colored hair resting messily on his pillow and I can only see his toned, shirtless back.  I can't help but notice the scars and marks that run along his upper back. Maybe he's a soldier? A warrior, perhaps.
Whoever he is, he must have been the one who bandaged me up.
I rub my temples to ease my pounding headache. I try to sit up again, successful, I hold on to the railing beside me. A sharp pain in my side causes me to yelp in pain as I clutch my waist.
Oh right..Thats where I had a knife thrown at me.

"Hello?" I call out to the mystery boy hoarsely. He sits up from his position on the couch and yawns, stretching his arms out above him. He turns around just as I recognize him from the scar on his face.
I start scooting back on my bed.
"Wait wait, It's okay!"
"Get away from me!" I scream out at him before I realize that I scooted too far. My body falls to the floor, right on the same side I have my deep cut. I yell out in pain, holding my side as I try to sit up. Zuko makes his way around the bed to my side, a look of apprehension and worry on his face. My long dark hair falling messily down to my waist in waves, and my cut face staring back up at him with anger.
"Wait! please!"
He shouts as I bend the water out of a cup on the nightstand at him. The small amount of water barely splashing his face, at most getting his hair wet. He groans in frustration, running his hand through his now soaked hair.
He yells my name at the top his lungs, immediately stopping me in my tracks and gaining my attention.
"Just. Listen." He enunciates, staring me down.
"If you would just stop trying to fight me, I can help you heal."
He peered over at my now bleeding wound. My eyes glance down at my side. The cut must have reopened when I fell off the bed.
"Let me help you."
He steps towards me as I give him an aggravated look. He goes to wrap his arm around me to try and help me up but I quickly slap it away.
"Don't you dare touch me."
I hiss out at him. I stared him down with every ounce of hatred in my body.
"Well I kinda have to if I'm going to get you up off the floor." He sarcastically exclaimed, crossing his arms.
"Don't you remember the last time you laid your hands on me, Prince Zuko?"

It was 3 years ago, the Gaang and I were on the run from, you guessed it, Prince Zuko himself. He had just captured me and was in the midst of bringing me onto his ship.

"You know it's stupid keeping me here, right?"
Zuko glanced in my direction, an unamused expression on his face.
"They are long gone by now."
"Don't worry Kasami, as long as I have you, I already know they are bound to show up to your rescue."
Zuko smirked at me. I know he's right. As much as I begged for them to leave me and keep the mission going, that's not who they are. I know they will be back and I know they'll step right into his trap. They will all get hurt or even killed. Just because of me.
"How about a challenge. Just you and me, man to man."
He glances in my direction and scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"What? Too scared I'll beat you?"
"As if a Water Tribe peasant like you could ever stand a chance against the Fire Lord's son."
I mentally groan in annoyance and frustration. I have to make this work, or my friends will end up dead.
"Scared I'll beat you in a fight just like your father did?"
A quick moment of silence is shared between the prince and I. He gets up and makes his way over to me. He snakes his hand around my throat and squeezes, making me unable to breath.
"If a fight is what you want, a fight is what you shall receive." He growls under his breath, his face inches away from mine. He releases my throat, leaving me gasping for breath as he unleashes his breath of fire out into the sky. A show of his skill and strength.
"Release her!"
Zuko yells out to the guards as they untie my hands and feet.
"Foolish boy."
We stand in front of each other in our fighting positions. He opens his hands of fire as I gather up my water, creating a cloud of ice daggers, ready to unleash on him at any moment. He punches multiple bursts of fire at me while I easily dodge his attacks. I release my ice daggers, effectively injuring multiple parts of his body.
"That all you got, Prince?" I sneered out at him, he was clearly no match for a waterbending master, especially one of my level. Well of course he didn't know that at the time. He was doubled over, trying to catch his breath prior to unleashing his breath of fire. I winced in pain as I slightly got burnt.
"You'll regret that."
I release all of my water, knocking him down. Successfully, I bend water from the ocean beside us and freeze his entire body, leaving only his head out of the ice. He stared me down, seeming as if he was shooting daggers with his eyes. His breath was shaky and he was struggling to move his limbs, which were of course encased in ice.
"Come on, Zuko," I laughed at the boy incapacitated in front of me. "That was just too easy."
I wiped myself off and put my hand on my hip.
"I thought a water tribe peasant like me was no match for a Fire Prince," I remarked sarcastically. "Oh wait! My apologies, banished Fire Prince."
His face turned beet red, obviously infuriated. The Fire Prince had been beaten by a Water Tribe girl. He shamefully peered down at the ground. That didn't seem to last long though, quickly after, his frown turned into a devious smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him. He peered over my shoulder but before I could turn around, it was too late. Everything seemed as if it were in slow motion. Prince Zuko's soldiers chi blocked me, immediately making my bending abilities and my limbs useless. A look of terror spread across my face as he was freed from the ice I had previously encased him in.
"W-what are you doing?!" I shouted out, frantically looking around. His earthbender soldiers swiftly enclosed my hands and feet onto the ground with rocks.
"This wasn't a part of the rules! It was just supposed to be me and you!"
He walked over to me, towering over the spot where I lay, unable to move.
"You are a coward, Prince Zuko."
He bends over, looking down at me. Refusing to make eye contact with him, he lifts my chin with his finger. He squeezes my face harshly, forcing me to look up at him.
"And you are worthless." He hissed out at me.
"Zuko, please. Why are you doing this?" I whispered softly. "You have to leave the Avatar alone, he is our one chance at peace."
"You don't understand. I've lost something of mine. My honor."
"Why would you want to please the same man that has destroyed nations, killed families...innocent people."
It almost looked like there was a glimpse of shame in his eyes. Maybe that was just wishful thinking.
"The Avatar is my last shot at restoring my honor and gaining my fathers love. I won't let anything get in my way."
I audibly groaned in anger.
"Why do you want the love of the same man who burned you, Zuko?!" I blurted out harshly.
He let go of my face and pushed me back, his fists balled in anger.
"Why are so obsessed with honor!? Just leave us alone!" I shouted out at him, tears threatening to fall.
"Nothing will get in my way."
"God, Zuko. You are a coward. You are weak. You will never regain your honor." I ruthlessly let out all of my frustration.
My eyes widen with fear as he whips his hands around in the air, channeling lightning from the dark, ominous clouds above us.
"Please..Please don't do this."
Zuko turns around with his lightning dancing and buzzing all around him, mostly focusing on his hands. He yells out as he swiftly points his two fingers at me, the lightning following.
Theres nothing I could do. My limbs were useless and encased in heavy rocks. I let my tears fall as I accepted my fate. The last thing I remember were his golden eyes staring into mine. When I woke up, I was on Appa with Aang right beside me. I was badly damaged on a small part of my left jaw, which continued all the way down the side of my neck, to my shoulder.
That night has haunted me ever since.

Water Attracts Lightning // Zuko X Kasami (OC) FFWhere stories live. Discover now