The Never Ending War

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Everyone that I knew were dying in the midst of this fucking war, there were never peace between nations for political reasons. Being a soldier is not that bad, well, if you look at the bright side of things such as payment and insurance. However, a soldier for the likes of me, I see many horrid massacre, there was no choice of doing a good deeds, one false move can means death. If I made a mistake, I want everyone to know, this is the world we are in, think about the choices we are making for this planet we only can live in for now. Is it worth it? After all these skirmish? Why can't we make a community where we work for our children to be safe? How come we unbind ourselves for one ideal? This population deserve a better place than our constants bloodshed. That is all I want to say for our government to know this is a major problem in our society, and this, is the end of this tape.

First Class Sergeant Kinnlinn, Over and Out.

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