HK-Battle Set

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So, then again, Xulan helps me get used to walking in this as she explain my body parts since she works on the idea and the designs along with others. Your body have energy, you can feel tired out if you haven't charge yourself pretty often, that's why we are assigning someone to take care of you, even in combat in case of emergency to either replace your core which is your battery or charge manually. As she explain, I asked about the idea of the charging manually and as she showed me where it is, apparently it's a back compartment the is small so and compact so no dirt or small debris can get into it to break. She continues to explain, Also, we have clothes for you, although is mainly blue, it is to help to show your favorite color, and your body liquid is made a certain tonic materials to conduct electricity and data through your body, which is why it would glow blue if you were shot onto your human body that we kept for you to still have sense of human, it's just your limbs were severe so we need to replaced them. As I look at my limbs, I asked, Wait, why couldn't you actually give me actual robotic arms and legs if you need to replace parts? She looks back at me nervously, C-cause, we could not afford higher parts, we basically stole as much as we can narrow by importance, the idea of limbs were on the least since that's getting to risky, so we decided to get some to work with, at least you are part shield and melee. We went in the room as I look at myself, another person came by, has a mechanical like-role dress with a fancy hat, asking Xulan, Hey, I need to do checks up for a moment, may you move aside momentarily Xulan? She nods and moves aside, she also introduced me to him, This is your personal assistant, Ferrix, he will run checks, replacements, and your communicator when you are on the field with him, he don't speak much but you two will get along just fine! She gave me this certain smirk as I feel like I don't believe her one bit as Ferrix finishes up and causes my vision to static a bit and made my vision as normal as it can be. There, it was a little miscalculation so what's color is this card? He pulled out a blue card and I responded as I see it. Then he went back to tinkering and requested lights off, as the room went dark, my vision went green, as he attempts to look around for my face then he nodded, Okay, now close your eyes real quick so I can see the adjustment. I followed then heard a flick and vision went dark and he let me know to open my eyes. Still bright but would of been worst if I have night vision on, then he looks at me after he stood giving me a paper for trainings plans and walks away, "Jeez, talking about seriousness" as I thought. Xulan also lets me know that he is the one that "created" me along with the assistance of others, and his ideas were the reasons I was alive again, before Xulan helps me onto bed after getting clothes together, felt odd having another person help but thankful for it since it was difficult trying to get the specialty clothes on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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