Chapter one: No sound but the wind.

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      What's the point of living if you can't be accepted, if people think you need professional help for your life choices. What happens when your forced into something you don't want to do, who says that's wrong? Why is it okay to force someone into doing something but wrong when you decide something for yourselves.

   If parents can't accept their children then why do they make them? If they make children they should make sure they accept everything that could happen before they ruin a life. Well of course some people were mistakes and not meant to be born, but people should be more understanding of their own goddamn children.

   I'm Brendon Urie and I'm being forced to go to a gay rehab.

   I know, you've probably never heard of it. In some places in the world they have a rehab department for LGBT teens. Ridiculous, right? They keep these teens in their prison until they 'magically' turn straight. By prison I mean that they have rooms and walls around the area for as long as your there. There's no escape until your 'normal' again.

  I'm going there today because of my Morman parents. I decided to be honest with them because if I'm going to bring a boy home they have to know why. It turns out it was the worst decision I ever made.

   After I told them, my dad beat me for the first time. Then they set me up for counseling twice a week. After that they tried to get me to get a girlfriend. They brought tons of girls over a week. I told my parents I was into cock, not chics and they kicked me out of the house for a week. I stayed at Frank's  that week.

   It's all come down to their last straw, rehab.

   When they told me I wasn't thrilled about it, resulted to me throwing a plate on the ground. My Dad beat me again after I broke their precious china, so I told him to not pay attention to me anymore. They did just that after that day. They moved my stuff to the basement and that's where I have been spending my time for the past two weeks. But today the car comes and I'm taken away for who knows how long.


    I've been staring at the ceiling for awhile and I know I have to get up soon to get ready, but I can't feel my limbs. I just want to stay in bed till I'm 18 and then move out. I won't have to see my family again. My future husband and I will move into a house and our kids will only have us. I'll tell my kids that my parents abused my decisions and they will grow up smart. I will take care of them.

   I have twenty minutes till I leave my parents house and into a mansion with walls. I groan to myself and sit up, staring down at my blankets. I can't trust anything anymore, I'm not even the same person either.

  I slouch out of bed and crawl to my suitcase, making sure I have everything. I have my clothes, a pair of shoes, books, notebook, pens, pencils, my bracelet I wear everyday that I got from Atlanta, and some of my grooming stuff. I close up the bag after putting my stuffed turtle inside. What? I got it from marine world and it's special to me.

   I got up and got dressed in a grey tshirt and blue jeans with my converse. Did I mention that I'm 16 and a half?

  I sneak upstairs and take a shower, doing my hair and putting on a thin layer of eyeliner. I ruffle my hair up and wipe my cheeks before going out to the hallway.

   Right when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, my mom emits from her room. Great, here we go.

  "We love you, you know?" She tells me and I roll my eyes. That's what they always say, that they love me. If they loved me they wouldn't treat me like this, like their son is an ambonation. News flash: every kid doesn't turn out perfect.

   "No you don't." I tell her and walk away but she grabs my arm and pulls me back.

   "We only want to help you." She says, like every goddamn day.

   "You wanna help me?! Help by accepting who I am because if you don't I'm not coming back here and your never going to meet your grandchildren." I yell at her. Yeah, I plan comebacks in my head.

  Her eyes widen and she narrows her eyes. "You can't have children with a man!" She shouts and I place my hand on my hip.

  "Ever heard of adoption?" I shoot back and raise my brow, I'm so done with her shit. I just want to leave. "I'm going to go to that hell of a place and I'm never going to come back because it won't change who I am. You'll never see me again after that, I'm leaving you forever." I tell her straight in the eye and a tear rolls down her cheek.

  "Don't do this, just like women and it would be easier. Your our only son." She cries and I purse my lips, shaking my head. I can't be her son, I can't be a Urie, they don't treat me like family.

  "I can't like women! They don't spark up my interest!" I exclaim and pull away from her hold harshly, "And I'm not your son." I grit my teeth and walk back to the basement, wiping my wet cheeks. Fuck.

  I sit on my bed and put my head in my hands, cursing at myself. I did nothing wrong. I heard a honk and my heart stopped. It's them.

   I got up and shakily got my suitcase. I walked to the steps and looked behind me to look at my somewhat bedroom for the last time. I sighed and went up to the kitchen where I spotted my Dad.

  He stormed up to me and gave me a slap in the face, "That was for the talk to your mother and don't waste our money." He says and pushes me out. He's never been a nice person. My Mother cried by the window but I ignored her.

  The car had a driver and two men who looked like body guards. "You know what to do if he tries to escape." My Dad whispers to them and walks back inside, slamming the door after giving me a glare. Great.

  I note the tazers in the mens belts, wow. Am I that much of an animal?

   They tell me to get inside and I do, right in the middle so the men have the door seats.

The driver drives away and I don't look back.

I never want to be back there, ever.

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