Chapter 9

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WantedButcher: So,,,,, Virgil and Remus mind sharing their greatest pranks?

"Greatest ones, eh?" Virgil smileed and sat up straight, chuckling at the sight of Remus practically jumping up and down, wanting to answer the question. "Fine. You go first Rem."

"Ooh! Well there was this one time..."

"WHERE ARE MY HIGH HEELS?!" Janus shouted. They were practically running around all over the place, looking for all their baby sitting stuff and clothes. 

"Dunno." Virgil just put on his headphones to get out of the situation as he tried to put on a stoic face. "Ask Remus."

"So... It has come to this." Remus gasped. "You actually think I'd do such thing as that. How could you JanJan? I'm wounded!"

"The fact that you're making such a big deal proves it was you." The teen stood in front of their friend, threatening to throw theirbag at him. "Where is it?"

Remus looked around for a few seconds before answering. "On the top cupboard."

"You know I can't reach there!"

"Yeah, they chased us around for 3 hours for that while threatening to bash our skull in with their heels." Remus concluded. "Can you imagine it though? Having your skull bashed must feel great!"

"Let's stop you right there." Virgil narrowed his eyes. "Moving onto Logan..."

"We're gonna be dead after this." Virgil whispered as he applied bright pink hair dye onto Logan's hair. Logan was sleeping peacefully on their couch, so he and Remus decided to take their chance.
Remus was applying the neon green. "No we won't. We'll be out of the country before he wakes up."

"We weren't out of the country before he woke up." Virgil stuffed his head into his pillow.

"They wouldn't let us past the border..." Remus sighed.

"We can't pull many successful pranks anyways, we always get caught."

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