Everyday we learn something new

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I didn't forget about the family moving in. I just pushed the thought on the side-path. I had loads to do. Like reading a ton of some stupid books, for my stupid essay. A few days passed and a bit more blood had bleed out. Anyways as I was walking to school on Thursday, I noticed someone pulling up the car to me. I was frightened. Not again..... The 'populars' used to pull up a car near me, then joke out of me and throw stuff at me. I didn't know the car, but it didn't quite matter. They always used a different one. I started walking faster, when I heard a voice shout behind me: "Hey, Taylor!! Do you need a ride?" the voice asked. I didn't recognise it, so I turned around. I saw this....................wow. I couldn't describe him. I didn't know him. I walked up to him with a confused look on my face. "Hi. I don't want to be rude or anything, but how do you know my name?" I asked with s bit of suspicion, but still politely. He let out a small laugh. "I just moved into the house across the road from yours. And my parents told me all the names. I suppose you know about tonight's party?" I nodded.  "So what's your name?" I asked. "Paul" was his reply. "Soooo....you still need a ride?" he asked awkwardly. "yes, that'd be great." a smile appeared on my face for the first time in a long time was caused by a human. "Hop in then" he opened the door on passenger's side.  I got in and I caught him checking me out. It was sort of natural because I was wearing a leather jacket and under it a black laced T-shirt(the sleeves were laced), short black skirt with laces, black heels and black mid-tights. I looked down and smiled shyly. We got to the school and on the way I found out he was an only child too, that his parents ignored him most of the time and that he's 18. I thanked him and got out. When we walked into school together, everyone stared at us.

1st reason: I was seen together with a hot new guy

2nd reason: there was a hot new guy

I quickly walked Paul to the office and said a quick goodbye. I didn't want everyone to hate him, because he was okay with me. I just couldn't. I sort of liked him plus, he was the only one at school, who was nice to me. 

I got trough the first period only with nasty comments, but then in second period, in Chemistry Sarah sat on my desk. I looked at her. "what?" i asked, having a hint what this conversation will be about. "so that new hottie, you know him? what's his name? are you two dating? he will be mine, you know that bitch" she started to shoot questions at me. I sighed knowing I had to reply, because she'd get it out somehow anyways. "His name is Paul, we're not dating and I don't know him, he is just my new neighbour, who offered me a ride this morning. And good luck" I paused "with getting him. He doesn't seem like a type of guy who'd like sluts such as yourself" Brilliant ending. She gave me a dirty look as usual, she didn't have a comeback. I smiled. But knew that I only won a battle, not a war. And her army was stronger. Mine was just one soldier. Myself. Then I turned my attention to the teacher. Something about a project in pairs.....blahblahblah.....wait, what?!?!? A project, okay but in PAIRS?? And the teacher was pairing us up. Oh shit... I knew, my chances for survival are small. I hoped, I'd get a nerdy guy or a girl, so we can do it in one day. I don't like spending time with other people. Or...if I get a 'popular' one...then I'll probably do all the work. I took a deep breath and hoped for the best. He read some names and then mine came up. "Taylor and Lily." he said. I knew her. She was a quiet girl, a nerd, but quite popular for one. I think, it's because of her looks. I turned to see her and she gave me a small smile. I was relieved and just sat there and thought for rest of the class. Our theme was ATOMS. Cool I thought. Nothing hard, a lot of information, so it's a good theme. The bell rang and I moved to the next classroom, only to get my hair pulled by...oh look, it's Ryan. He is one of Jeremy's 'friends'. It hurt. I turned around and gave him the death glare. "What the hell???" i almost yelled. I was furious. He shrugged. "I don't know. But for a dumb slut that no one likes aka you, I don't need a special reason ,do I?" I admit it. He is a bit smarter than others. I slapped him. It wasn't the first time I slapped someone, but I didn't want to be the victim. Again. But he had different opinion. "oh no you didn't bitch!" he yelled. He shoved me into a wall and slapped me back. But a thousand times worse. He had so much force and strenght. I tried my best not to cry. I somehow managed to get out of his grip. But damn, he was strong. I ran trough the hallway and got into the classroom, a second before the bell rang. I forgot about my cheek and Jessica was already coming to my table. She was one of not-so-popular-but-still-bitches. She laughed at me. "tried to make out with a wall?" she asked. It may seem polite, but it was just pure venom.  "not unless a wall has shape of a hand" i hissed. She shrugged. "you know no one really cares, right? Now go back to your books and shut the fuck up. We don't have to suffer hearing your voice." That was a shot in the black. I thought my voice, was my only good feature. And now she took it away. Thanks a lot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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