My Alpha Mate Rejected Me

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Chapter 1

Luz P.O.V

Hi my name is Luz Anderson and I'm going to be 16 in a few days. I'm so happy because I'll be able to shift for the first into my wolf and find my mate. Did I forget to mention that I'm a werewolf well soon will be. I kinda scared too shift because they say that when you shift for the first time it's really painful. But I'm happy that I'll find my mate. Just the thought of having someone love me, someone that's meant to be with me make me happy.

Though I'm afraid to be rejected there's been cases where mate's have been rejected, but sometimes the Moon Goddess see her mistake and gives them a second chance by giving them a second mate.

Man I'm so bored I'm in school in my third period class just waiting for the bell to ring. Math boreds me so much but its so easy. Too be honest the only class I like is P.E I'm not like most girl that hate to run or play I really like to run and play. I was gonna join the soccer team, but I don't know I just dont like the idea of having everyone watching me play. You can say that I'm not confident like most girl are I'm pretty shy around people.

Ring. Ring.

Finally I was starting to fall alseep again. I grab my books and bags and walk out the class. As I make my way to my locker I see my two best friends Adrian and Bryan waiting for me like always. When I teach my locker I open my locker and put my books inside before closing it. When I turn to look at them engulfed with hugs from them.

"Damn didn't know you guys loved me so much, but please tell your reason as why you guys huged cause usually you only hug me when you want me to do you a favor." I know them well enough to know that they either want something from me, wante to do something for them or because it's mt birthday.

"Oh, luz your so funny why would you think we want something from you or want you to do something for us." Said Adrian

"Well because I know you guys well enough and you guys are like my best friends since we meet in kindergarten so yea."

"Okay your right about being best friends since kindergarten thing, but what we can't give a hug cause we want to." Bryan said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"No you cant, know what do you what or me want me to do for you guys." I said getting a little irritated that they won't hurry up.

"Fine, fine you got us we wanted to know if you could drive us to Mickey D's."

Said Bryan looking nervous, I guess thinking that I'm gonna say no. I look at Adrian and see that he looking at me knowing that I'm gonna say yes.

"Fine but just cause I'm starving and cause now that you mentioned it I want Mickey D's too." I nod at them to get going. Thank god that we didn't see any staff because for sure they would call my dad and let him know that I'm leaving the school. I wouldn't want that to happen cause it's not like he gonna get mad or anything, but for sure he'll give me a long speech about how since I'm the oldest I should be a role model for Max my brother. And since I'm going to take the title of alpha in two years as female alpha of my pack I should start to start to get involved with the pack business.

"I call the front seat rhat means you have so go to the back Adrian."

"What, why do I have to go in the back I'm older than you so you go in the back." I swear sometimes they act like 5 year olds and I always act like the grow up and I'm just fifteen.

"Will you guys shut you guys are 16 soon to be 17 yet you guys act like 5 year olds and I'm just 15 soon to 16 and I act like the adult."

"But it's not fair I always go in the back and he go's in the front."

"No I dor I remember last we were going to the store you went in the front so that means I go in the fro-

"Will you guys shut up, I want both of you guys in the back and quite." They finally got in my car and surprisingly they didn't argue.

"Hey Luz how is it that your 15 and you have a car and we dont that were older than you."

"Well you see Bryan I more mature than you guys so my dad decided that it would be good for me to have a my own car." It's true my dad knew Bryan and Adrian and knew that was more mature, and independent to have my own car.

"She's right but she'll be turning 16 in a few day right which mean she'll shift and be able to find her mate." Adrian said whispering the last part. So this is the thing Adrian turned 16 last year and still hasn't found his mate and is losing hope.

"Adrian how many times do I have to tell you that you'll find your mate soon you just gotta wait don't worry you'll find her." To be honest is hurt to see Adrian sad after all I do love him like a brother, both of them and they know it.

"Thanks Luz your always comforting and supporting toward me that why I love you sis thanks."

"No props bro I love you too."

"Okay I see how it is, I see that you guys don't love but I don't care and if I'm crying it's cause something fell in my eye's not cause you don't love me." Bryan said pretending to cry. I swear sometimes I think he might be gay but I still love him.

"I love you too bryan you guys are both like brother's to me." I said turning around to look at him and Adrian.

"I swear dude sometimes I think that you might be gay, but I wouldn't be surprised."

"Okay whatever Adrian, your officially going to get blocked " bryan said in a girly voice. I swear I love them both they always make me laugh and bring a smile to my face no matter what. I'm glad their my best friends, like older brothers to me and that their in my life.

Sorry if the chapter sucked guys and If theres spelling mistakes, this is my first time writing a story about werewolf so yea
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