awakening (prolouge)

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(somewhere in the EDZ, a while after the red war concluded.)

A ghost drifts through the air, somewhat aimlessly. Its been a very long time since she has searched for a guardian, and longer still since she's felt like she needed to, but the recent events have driven her out into the wilds again, searching for a light wielder.

As she floats through the air, she sees something, a fallen skiff. Broken in half, and completely overgrown by vines, grass, and weeds.

The ghost decides to float closer, as she senses something. A feeling of purity, and light. Near the skiff she sees tracks, most of them are fallen, but there are a couple of sets of human tracks as well.

"Could it be, finally, after all these years." The ghost whispers to herself as she begins to follow the tracks. She quickly finds a few dreg skeletons, along with a dead human.

"Was he hunting these fallen." Confusion coursed through the ghost as she looked back to the trail. "Maybe there are more."

Indeed, there were many more corpses. Most of them fallen, some human. None of the humans had ghosts, indicating none of them were guardians. Rather, they were probably humans seeking revenge for the collapse.

Finally, at the foot of a hill, there laid several corpses. Multiple human, and one fallen captain. "It was stupid but brave of them to take on an entire crew of fallen." The ghost whispered as the feeling of purity, and light had become overwhelming.

Focusing her own light towards the corpses, she revived her guardian for the first time,

and then almost immediately retreated backward.

Slowly, the fallen captain rose from the small pile of corpses. Instead of reviving one of the humans, she had accidentally revived an enemy of the traveler.

"gu-guardian. is that you."

the captain and his crew (a destiny fanfic.) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now