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Denki PoV°.
I grabbed Y/n's arm and she looked at me not so happy."What?" That was all that she said whit a annoyed voice.I don't know what should I tell her.I don't even know if she knows who I am
" ok?"I snapped from my thoughts and looked at her for a few seconds.She was looking concerned and I didn't even realize that her hair color changed from the soft lilac color to a pastel green.I wanted to tell her everything and that would take some time."Y/n...Can we please talk?I know that maybe you don't remember me or know me and don't want to talk to me but please let me explain..."For a few seconds she seems deep in thoughts and a bit confused."Fine..."

*Time skip to the talk*

We walked to the park so none of our classmates could hear us or know about this."So what did you wanted to talk about?"She asked in a calm voice."Before I tell you anything I want to you remember me?"I looked directly in her E/c eyes.She looked at me whit a emotionless face."Of course I remember you...after all you were my best friend."Her hair changed it's color again from pastel green to a pastel blue and she smiled a little.I can't lie her smile was very cute and for some reason very calming.For a second I wanted to tell her why did I ignored her I opened my mouth but no sound comed from it.I looked down and I asked myself 'What the hell is wrong with me?I'm just gonna tell her the truth.' I looked at her again she was looking at me and seemed scared.Her hair changed color again.She was looking at me directly in my eyes."Y/n...I-I am sorry...I ignored you because...your brother told me that if I don't do it then he will...hurt you.I didn't want you to get hurt so I did what he told me to do.I-I'm sorry I understand if you hate me."She seemd shocked I started to walk away because I knew that she probably hated me.But after I made a few steps a felt someone putting ther hand on my shoulder.I looked behind me and Y/n was...crying "Y/n..."She pulled me into a hug.I haven't been hugged in a lot of time.I smiled whiteout even realizing she let go of me and wiped her tears. "Of course I forgive you!You just wanted me to be safe after all.You didn't do anything wrong." Finally after years of hating myself for ignoring the person I cared the most I can say that I feel happy."R-really?" She nodded and smiled again."But you have to make it up to me!" She said looking at me."How?"I say in a confused and happy voice.She thinked for a few seconds "Let's hang out tomorrow!" She forgived me that easy?I didn't expect that but I'm fine whit it. "Sounds good to me!" I can't wait until tomorrow. "Well I gotta go see you tomorrow." "Bye!" She began to walk away.I still wanted to ask her about her hair and how did she change so much but I will ask her tomorrow.I walked home alone whit my own thoughts.

.°Y/n PoV°.
I walked home like usually alone but whit a very happy feeling.After years I finally understand why he ignored me.It was all because of my brother.I still don't understand why does he hates me so much.I never did anything to him...did I? After a short walk I arrived home.I open the door and like usually my mom was at work.She works as a pro hero so she usually doesn't have time for me.But she still manages to talk to me when she comes home.I walked in the living room and decided to watch the news.I turn on the TV and search for the news channel.When I finally found it the reporter said "a villain has hurted 6 people and robbed them.The only information that the villain confirmed was that he's 23 years old for some reason" Sounds familiar...Whatever.I walked to the kitchen and started making dinner.The TV was still on."The pro hero's have catched the villain.He has been asked what his identity is but he refused to tell anyone."I walked back in the living room to look at the TV.On the screen was one police man that was talking about the villain and other stuff and in the background were two pro's that were holding the 'villain' his back was facing the camera so no one knows how his face was looking like.But he seems very familiar.Almost too familiar.The pro's wanted to take him somewhere so he was turning around to face the camera.He was looking more and mire familiar and when he was about to be completely seen the electricity when off so the lights and the TV went off too.I looked annoyed at the TV and got back to my food.It was almost night and mom wasn't back.I started to be panic a little she would usually be back a few hours after I comed from school but today she didn't.I calmed down and decided to just go to bed because she would probably be back later.

AN:Hey Reader-chan!I hope you enjoined this chapter.I just want to make some things clear 1.You will fiind out Y/n's brother name in the future chapters and 2.Y/n is 16  3.The hanahaki disease will appear from the next chapter.That's all!Thanks for reading this chapter.

.°The angel that I used to know°.Denki Kaminari x depressed reader°Hanahaki AUWhere stories live. Discover now