So uh-

98 6 7

So basically- I got tagged by Infinetecimal- and I'm writing this again because Wattpad crashed-


1. My favorite video game is Minecraft, but I really wanna try Naruto Ninja Storm

2. I'm a gamer

3. I'm even more of a weeb

4. My top the animes are Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, Death Note, and Hunter x Hunter (even though I'm just starting it but that's not important-)

5. I have a billion favorite animals so don't even ask

6. I have a billion favorite characters, but my top five are Gaara, Kakashi, Itachi, Killua, and Naruto

7. I'm bisexual

8. I'm pretty sure I'm non-bianary, but I'm still questioning

9. I'm an all-As student... I usually have to rush to get my D+ in math to an A-, but I'm usually able to...

10. I only use Wattpad for fanfiction basically


I've told all my jokes a trillion times, so here's one I haven't told for a few weeks or somethin- know the beginning of Bad Romance...?


...what if...

Gaa-ra, ah ah ah
Roma, ro-ma-ma
Gaa-ra, ooh la la-

Forgive me for this cringe


I have a Naruto x Reader story I've just started- basically, you find odd footprints in a place only you and your best friend know exists and can visit.

For the spoiler, the footprints are from Naruto, and he's somehow in your universe... yeah, I'm not sure about anything else yet, I usually make up the plot as I go... idk if that's bad but-


A lot of these will probably be people I've only talked to like once, cuz I don't really have many 'friends,' usually just people I meet in comment sections... I think I might be starting to get a few though- a lot of these people I'm supersupersuper scared to tag because they're way more popular than me and probably don't want to be tagged ahhhhhh fksmcndkxksjdnsksmjsbsbdis

1. Ur_Mum_445
2. Lenluvsu
3. kakashimakemeyawhore
4. Deadinside290483487
5. TheMuscleLisa
6. Snapeisaking
7. Monkey_See_No_Evil
8. bakugosbigmantitties
9. SnowyTheWolf42
10. Ryleethebestsenpai
11. Greasy_greasers
12. bnha_fan251
13. KPG909
14. Hotfishwater
15. hellosaah
16. A_nebby_not_in_a_bag
17. Crusty_panties
18. fangirl_chan43
19. PastelGalaxies18
20. Positive_Li
21. DepressoEsopresso
22. dotbunny
23. yanderepotatogamer
24. -_Magical-Umbreon_-
25. WeirdChild568
26. Animeratboi
27. SatansTrueSpawn_666
28. _violet_dragonfly_

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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