Upcoming danger.

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The same time in our little town was a group of five children , 4 boys 1 girl , in a garage. You would usually find them there every morning. In the evening they would probably be on their own. When they where together though in that garage and not outside playing sports or running or something like this they would be playing music. It was one of their hobies and they weren't bad the only problem was that their voices haven't settled because of their young age. They could barely be considered teenagers at the ages of eleven and twelve. One of them was a tapered fohawk blonde haired boy with blue eyes around 1.55 cm his name was Arthur. Another one was a boy with dark brown curly hair and black eyes. He had a bit darker skin than the rest and was 1.52 cm. His name was Bruno.The third boy had also blonde with swept-back hair but he had brown eyes he was around 1.58 cm. His name was Jake. The last two kids had both black hair but different eye color. The boy had light blue eyes and his name was Matteo while the girl had dark green eyes. Her name was Logan. The former had scruffy hair while the latter had a short length bob-haircut. Matteo was 1.57 cm while Logan was 1.60 cm.

"Lets play this song. We haven't played it in a very long time." Said Bruno. "Yes. We indeed haven't played it in a very long time" Jake said. "Because it's your favorite" both Jake and Matteo whispered.

"Hey i heard that" Bruno said irritated. "Well it is an amazing song but it doesn't suit us." Logan explained. "Yeah it doesn't suit us. It is very loud." Arthur added. "It doesn't suit you. Because you are sweet and nice." Bruno exclaimed. "True" Arthur agreed. "Anyway lets play it. We got nothing to lose." Logan stated and started to count "1. 2. 3."

Logan in the the drums. Matteo in the first guitar and Jake in the second. Bruno playing the piano and Arthur singing. They started performing the song 'saving me' by Nickelback. They were actually good and out of the five of them only Bruno and Logan had had music lessons. The rest had to take intensive courses from these two. While in the middle of the song. A weird sound started to whistle in the background so they stopped playing. Something was off. They had never heard that sound so close before. The heard it only in movies but no one's mind could find in what kind of movies.

Arthur- What is that sound?

Matteo- It sounds like a siren!

Logan- Oh really captain obvious!

Matteo-No, *sigh* I mean a war sirene. Like in movies.

Everyone looked at him with a worried face.

Matteo-Come on guys. You know, when the city is in war. To warn them.

The looked at him with a blank look they where lost in thoughts. But not because they were trying to remember a movie so they could confirm the little monologue of their friend but because of fear on what would happen. That was definitely a war siren and it wasn't for training to be prepared in case something like that happened. No they would have been informed if it was scheduled.

Matteo-Seriously it doesn't ring a bell?

He broke their little thoughts.

Arthur and Logan 'stared at him intensely'

Matteo- What?

Arthur and Logan 'continued to stare intensely'

Matteo-Oh! 'It took him some time to comprehend everything completely' "Oh no." He finished when he realized what they where trying to point out.

Arthur and the minimoys.:The danger from the above.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat