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   I looked at Lisa and back at my hand again. I couldn't believe it.
  "I-i-i'm sorry" I stammered as tears made its way to my eyes.
  "What the fuck happen here!" One of Lisa's friend stomping in.
  "Fred,call an ambulance, quick!"Another said full of concern.

  People started storming in and then I did what anyone else would do,I ran.

  I ran out of the bathroom and went to pick my phone and bag and ran out of the restaurant with Fred and Frank calling after me,but I didn't look back,I kept on running , I went where my leg took me, I couldn't even see I was blinded by the tears falling out of my eyes.

   "Sweetheart,why did you beat her up?" Mom asked looking at 7 year old me with concern written all over her face
  "Sh-sh-she called me a monster" I said sobbing
  "Oh honey,you are not a monster but do you know who beats people up?"She asked little me as she picked me up.
  "No mummy" I replied shaking my little head

  "Monsters,you don't beat people up unless it's for a just purpose okay?"Mom said looking at me with a smile
   "Okay mummy, I promise" I said with a smile on my face
  "You are mum's little angel,now give me a hug" she said pulling me into her warm embrace.

    I flashed back to my days in middle school and I can't help but to break down in tears,mom would be really disappointed in me,not to talk of aunty Maggie,this might have given her the change to use that gun of hers after all.

   I shouldn't have hit her, it didn't matter what she did because me hitting her just made things worse,now I will be the bad guy while she plays the victim.

   I sobbed for hours while resting on a tree and I have to say,I liked the silence. It was like I could finally breath after all the drama that happened today. I got up observing my surrounding when I realized, I was there............The forbidden woods.

    I started to panic,I can't be here, I shouldn't be hear,I couldn't breath I was having a panic attack.
   "Okay Indy,deep breaths" I told trying to reassure myself.
   I didn't have a problem seeing because I have great eye sight and as weird as it sounds I can see very well at night,like really clearly and boy am I  glad for that.

   "Okay Indy, here is what we gonna do,we gonna call Jake to come pick us up" I said talking to myself

  "Let's just hope he is not a sleepy head" I said as I brought my phone out.

   "What the fuck..No signal" I yelled having a d disappointed face and surprisingly I wasn't moved, I mean after everything that happened today this is kinda the least

   I put on my touch light as I made my way into the woods looking for signal. I know I said I can see but I was not ready to take any chance.

    After about 25 minutes of walking I decided to sit down and rest,I brought out my phone to check the time and it was 12:05 in the morning.

  "Great!" I thought

   'Whish'...I woke up from my slumber as i heared someone panting or something, I don't know what it is but it was definitely something, I made my saw as slowly and quietly as I can to where the sound came from and there he was a man,he was by this river with blood gushing out of his stomach. I made my way to the man without even thinking.

   "Sir,sir,are you okay" I said turning him around,I don't not much about medical stuff and I didn't know what to do about anything but i did whatever came to my mind.

   "Sir,we need to get you an ambulance,are you with your phone I don't have any signal on mine" I said ranting as tears came out of my eyes.

   He seemed to be in pain as he grunt in reply. I didn't know what to do so I turned him over and ripped his shirt out. Then I put off my shirt in order to stop his bleeding but it did almost nothing to stop it.
  "You'll be alright,okay?" I said in the middle of tears trying to calm the man or maybe myself because I was panicking even than the man with the pain himself.

   "I can smell you...." A voice said not far away,I turned to see who said it and almost pucked by the sight of the man or should o say thing. It was skinny and lanky with torn clothes on,his skin was pale as its vein showed,his eyes was bloodshot and his tongue was extra ordinarily long and thin and he bent his back.

   "Give it to me....." He said with his husky voice as he faced the man on the floor ready to attack.

    I stayed in front of the man in a protective stance,I don't know why I did it bit I was not going to let this man die without a fight.

  I picked a long stick from the floor and stretched it towards him or should i say it.
   "Hahahahaha...."the monster laughed out loud with his horrible voice.

  "A pesky human?" He said sounding surprised

   "Come closer and you will see what that pesky human can do" I threatened not even believing the authority I used to speak.

   "Hun....I never fought a human before and I would never,it would be a disgrace!" he said with venom dripping out of his words.

   "Sounds like you are scared to me,dumb ass" I said with all boldness and this seems to get on his nerves as he made his way towards me.

  I slammed him with the log on my hand and was surprised to see he didn't flinch and what surprised me most was that the log broke into two

   "Ahhh.... " I gasped as he looked down at me with an evil look on his face.
  "My turn!" he said as he put up his hands I mean his claws ready to slash me. I closed my eyes ready for impact.
    "Hey asshole" the blooded man said throwing a weird glowing dagger at the man in which he missed by an inch as the dagger fell on the floor.
   The creature 'skrrtt' putting out tongue as he made his way to the wounded man,he slammed him on a tree and continued to best him up,it was obvious the man was going to die if someone didn't do something ,I mean If I didn't do something.
   I felt blood flowing through me,so i picked up the knife from the floor and ran towards the fight with such speed,i was a fast runner like really really fast sometimes I doubt my speed then I jumped on the creature and stabbed him on the back several and several times over as a black liquid splashed up to my face and down the monster went.

   I ran to the man as quickly as I could and I could see that he was dying
  "Sir,sir please don't die,you'll be okay" I said with tears on my face as I tried to carry him but I couldn't move an inch because the man was damn heavy all it did was stain my singlet with more blood. I looked to my shirt which I tied on his slashed stomach and it was filled with blood.

   I carried the man's head on my laps and started crying.
   "You'll be okay sir" I said managed to say through tears even though I know he was going to die.
"I-it's Caleb Lindsey Brown" he managed to say in pain

  "And tell my mate and kid I love them" he said with tears in his face.

   "I will Caleb,I will" I said even though I knew nothing about the man, I just felt I needed to say that.

  Suddenly his eyes turned blue and I flinched trying to get away from the man as I was scared as fuck

   "Don't go" he said in a deeper voice as he held on to my hand with his whole eyes was still blue.
"WE CHOSE YOU" Caleb said in an inhuman voice
Suddenly,a blue crystal lady like woman came out of him and made it's way towards me.

  I stood still surprisingly not scared. I wanted to scream or run as it made its way towards me but I didn't, I didn't move an inch from where I stood.

   She looked strong and fragile at the same time,beautiful and frightening and the same time.
She made her way towards me and said with the most strong,beautiful,powerful voice I have ever heard and said

   She made her way into me and entered me as my eye and ear and nose brought out blue light and just like that I blacked out as I lose consciousness.



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