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Sorry for not updating for a long time! Me and my collab writer were kind of busy these past few days but we will try our best to update as fast as we can! :)

Ava's POV

"Colson?" Harley asked, eating a fry from her paper McDonald's bag. "Hm, never heard of him."

"I mean, we're only sophomores, but I think he's one of those people that do their own thing. Maybe not that popular," I said. "But anyway, I was talking to him."


Harley was my best friend, she had black hair with blonde highlights and a dark skin tone. She'd known me since elementary school and we just got along really well.

It was lunch, and we were sitting in the small shade of a tree outside.

"And I asked him a question..., like, one I didn't think was a big deal... at all, but I think... I was wrong?"

"Did something happen?" Harley looked extremely worried all of a sudden and grabbed my arm. "What happened? You can tell me anything, Ava."

I laughed. "Relax, Har."

"Ava!" I heard a boy call out my name.

I turned around to see Colson and another guy with him.

"Oh hey, Colson!" I replied.

"This is my best friend Morgan!" Colson said cheerfully.

Weird, does he have mood swings or something, why is he so cheery after what happened yesterday? I thought he would've been colder, I would never have realized that he would come to talk to me of all people. I thought.

"Um, I was wondering if I could talk to you about... yesterday..." Colson asked shyly.

"Oh, um sure!" I said with a thoughtful smile.

He looked very content with my answer, and also quite relieved... he probably thought I would be mad at him from yesterday. We walked a little farther from Morgan and Harley, and once they started warming up to each other, Colson started talking.

"Hey um, look... I'm sorry for what happened yesterday... I was being a real jerk. I kind of have anger issues and whenever someone puts lots of pressure on me, I kind of well..." Colson looked embarrassed.

"I get it," I said understandingly.

"Huh, really?" Colson asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it's ok," I said with a smile.

He gave me a warm smile, one that I would never forget... to be honest it was kind of cute.

"Oh! And also, to answer your question from yesterday, well I guess you could put the pieces together..." Colson said embarrassed.

I chuckled and smiled at him.


Now that I knew and understood what was going through Colson's mind when he was talking to me yesterday, I felt like... we could be friends.

The next day, I walked down the halls on the second floor of my high school, heading to my last class. I'd figured out that Colson was in his junior year, going to his senior year in about a month.

Speaking of Colson, I saw him walking with his friend... Morgan, joking around with his arm around Colson's shoulder. Morgan was laughing and talking to Colson. I have to admit, Morgan was pretty attractive. He had short blonde hair done in a quiff and blue eyes.

As for Colson, I hadn't really caught anything the first time I nearly bumped into him, but he had brown hair that was swept to one side. His eyes were a dark greenish-brown colour, but it didn't look gross like how I would imagine a colour like that would look.

I saw Morgan say something to his best friend, then slow down. Colson waved at me, a smile on his face.

"Hey, Ava," he said and I could see Morgan trying to hold in his smirk.

"Hey! Colson and um Morgan, right?" I said.

"Yeah." Morgan smiled at me.

"What class are you going to?" Colson asked me.

"English," I told him and he scrunched up his face.

"I hate English," he said. "Who's your teacher?"

"C'mon, Colson. Let's get to class," Morgan interrupted.

Colson looked at his watch. "Oh shit, we're so late..." He turned to face me.

"Okay, uh, you'd better get to your class then, see you later I guess," I said.

"Okay bye!" Colson said, rushing away with Morgan looking from him to me.

"Uh, see you," Morgan said quickly, giving me a smile and running after Colson. "Good luck in English!"

I laughed and walked to class.

Soon it was the end of the day, and I met up with Harley to walk home with her, like we did every day. Well, almost everyday.

"So?" Harley asked me when we started walking off the property.


"You and Colson dating yet?" she smirked. "I saw you guys talking today."

"No! Why would you say that?" Ava asked.

"Well you guys seem so close now, and you're always talking and yeah," Harley said.

"Well what do you think of Morgan?" I asked, trying to switch the topic.

"Um... he's uh... great..." Harley said nervously.

Wait is she blushing!? No way, wow that was fast, just like that time she talked to Timothy for five minutes and fell for him right after.

"Ava!" I heard that same familiar voice and turned around.

Colson stood alone, a nervous smile on his face. "Sorry again, but, um, I kinda wanted to talk to you?"

"Oh, uh-" I said.

"Is that okay?" he asked.

I looked at Harley, not wanting to ditch her to talk to Colson. She widened her eyes and gave me a look to tell me to go. I quickly mouthed a "thank you" and turned back to Colson.

"Yeah, that's fine."

I followed him a little farther from Harley and looked at him, confused.

"Okay, here I go," Colson said, and I wasn't sure if he was just talking to himself. "Um, Ava?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I know we haven't talked all that much and we haven't gotten to, uh, like, know each other or really hang out, you know? And uh, I just, um, wanted to ask you if... maybe you wanted to... like, go somewhere with me?" he fumbled through his words and continued to stare at the ground when he was done.

Was Colson... asking me on a date?

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