"I Like Ava"

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Thanks for reading <3 I hope you all enjoyed what we've written so far. Sorry for the late updates, we've both been slow at writing :( Please forgive us! 

Ava's P.O.V.

"Soooooooooo, how was it," Harley asked, smirking.

"Well it was going pretty great, he showed me a secret place only he knew about, and it was super sweet." I started.

"Buuuuuuuuuuuuut?" Harley said, knowing there was a catch.

"Well things started getting a little quiet and he got nervous and had his mood swings. But we talked about it and then we... uh..." I was embarrassed to say what had happened next.

"Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu?" Harley pushed on.

"We kinda... uh... we kissed..." I said as quietly as possible.

"OMG! YOU WHAAAAAAAAT!" Harley practically shouted and some people walking on the sidewalk in front of us turned around to look at us.

My cheeks turned red.

"Harley! Shh!" I said quickly to prevent any more attention.

"That's awesome! But... I'm worried for you... just don't let him bully you in a relationship."

I laughed. "Bully me?"

"Really, though... I don't wanna see you get hurt." Harley gave me a small smile. "Being in a relationship with a dude who has anger issues is kinda risky to me, that's all."

"Yeah, I know," I smiled. "I'll talk to you, you know, like, tell you if anything happens."

"Hey! Ava!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me.

I turned around and saw Colson and Morgan running up to us.

"Hey!" I said with a sweet smile. "What's up?"

Morgan gave me a nervous and somewhat awkward smile and stepped back when Colson stopped. "Hey, Ava, uh, nice seeing you, but I'll leave before I turn into some sort of third wheel."

He slowed down and walked behind us, away from Colson and I. Harley smirked at me and picked up her own pace, leaving just us two walking along the sidewalk, on our way to school.

"Hey, Ava, I know we went out the other day... but I was wondering if... maybe... you'd like to go somewhere for lunch today?" Colson asked me.

"Sure! Where," I asked.

"Um, maybe at a cafe if that's alright with you?" he asked.

"Okay," I said.

"Great! I guess I could wait for you in the car?" Colson said.

"Sounds good," Ava turned away to hide her smile.


After classes, I went to my locker and got my phone, then I started heading towards the cafeteria. On my way there I met up with Harley and I told her I was going to go meet Colson for lunch.

"Hey! Ready to go?" Colson asked me.

"Yeah," I said.


Harley's P.O.V.

Omg! It's Morgan, and he's sitting right there, alone! If he asks me to sit with him, I think I'm gonna faint!

"Um, hey... you're Ava's friend right?" Morgan asked.

He doesn't remember my name, well that's disappointing, but he remembers Ava's...

"I think you know, but um Ava and Colson went on another date, so do you wanna sit with me?"

OMG! HE'S ASKING ME TO SIT WITH HIM! Don't faint, don't faint. Stay calm.

"Um, yeah sure!" I said.

I sat down, and we started talking to each other about random things.

"I don't want this to be awkward, so, uh, what's your favourite colour?" Morgan asked once I sat down.

I laughed, trying to stop myself from blushing automatically. "Uh, I honestly don't have one," I said, embarrassed.

"Me neither, don't worry," Morgan smiled. "And Ava's your best friend?"

"Yeah, I've known her forever," I told him. "Colson's yours, I'm assuming?"

Morgan laughed. "Yeah. And now they're dating, and I feel weird."

"Why?" I asked, confused.

Morgan sighed and I was worried I'd crossed the line.

But I think he's starting to trust me a lot more because he just said, "Can I tell you something kind of private, I trust you, so it would mean a lot to me if you kept it a secret. I just really wanna get it off my back."

"Sure, you can tell me anything," I said thoughtfully.

"I've actually been keeping something from Colson because I don't wanna be a horrible person and ruin everything...", Morgan said nervously, "but I think I like Ava..."

Wait, what. Everything I was looking forward to just crumbled to dust right before my eyes... he likes Ava?

"O-oh, wow! Um, t-that's great that you told me..."

There was an awkward silence between us until I broke it.

"W-well are you going to tell her that?" I asked.

"No, I don't want to get in the way of their relationship and make things go haywire," Morgan said.

"Y-yeah I guess..."

Everything... gone. Because of her.


Ava's P.O.V.

Colson parked his car and went over to the side to open my door once he did, an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Wow, thank you, sir," I joked as I stepped out and he closed the door behind me. "How polite, what a gentleman you are."

"Thank you, miss," Colson replied, laughing.

I followed him across the small parking lot and into a tiny cafe next to a few other shops. There weren't many people inside and it seemed like a quiet place. Colson and I found a seat by the window and sat down.

"Do you want a bagel or something?" he asked me quietly. "I'm gonna get some coffee."

"Oh, yeah, that'd be great," I smiled and he nodded and walked away, giving me a small smile too.

I sat on the green cloth chair, looking out the window. Soon Colson returned with a small paper bag and two cups of coffee.

"Thanks!" I said as he handed me the bag and a cup of coffee.

I took the cream cheese bagel out of the bag and took a small bite out of it as Colson sat down and took a sip of his coffee.

"I hope I got the right number of sugar packets and milk pods," Colson said with a small smirk.

I looked at the amount he gave me; here were 3 milk pods and 1 packet of sugar.

"Wow, I'm impressed, you got me the exact amount of sugar packets and milk pods that I like in my coffee!" I said, surprised.

"I guess I passed the coffee test then," Colson joked.

"Yeah!" I laughed.

We finished the rest of our lunches and walked out of the cafe. We headed for the car but just as Colson was about to start the car, I stopped him. He turned around and I leaned in and planted a light kiss on his lips, he was shocked at first but then he kissed back. We smiled, before leaving and heading back to school.

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