☁ Mu Siyang☁

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Author's POV... 

Siyang was out with the regulars as they were heading off to the tennis park to practice. It was on the weekends, but the courts were locked at school, so they agreed to go to the park to practice. 

While they were walking, a dog ran up to Siyang. Siyang didn't think much of it, as he thought the dog would just pass by him like most do. Thing was... this dog followed him. He stopped walking, ignoring the calls from the other regulars as he stared at the dog. Jiale tried to go at it, but Dachi held him back. He was going to walk towards the group, but the dog sat in front of him, wagging its tail in a happy manner. 

It seemed as if the dog was attracted to Siyang. Siyang noticed the collar on it, and he bend down, placing his stuff down to check it out. He saw the dog's name was Lily, but he didn't seem to recognise the address on the back of the dog tag. 

He stood up, thinking that the dog would leave him and he walked to the group. The others started making a bit more noise, and he turned to see what it was. He turned around to see Lily following him. This hitched his curiosity, seeing as he didn't know who the owner was, nor who the dog was...

"Siyang... Do you know this dog?" Zhuo Zhi asked. Siyang shook his head. He had not met a dog like that, nor knew of one. They shurgged it off, and let the dog tag along as they went to the courts to practice. They went to practice, and Lily sat next t Siyang who was watching over the others practice. 

He heard a female voice calling in the distance. It seemed as if the dog knew the voice, as the dog then pulled Siyang's pants, as he dragged him towards whomever this lady was. 

When they got there, a girl was calling for Lily and was seemingly lost. When she spotted Lily, she ran up to the dog, hugging it. 

"Oh my gosh, Lily! Thank God you're alright," She mumbled, hugging the dog. She then noticed Siyang standing there. 

"Oh! I'm sorry. Did Lily bother you?" She asked. 

"No. I'm guessing this is your dog?" He responded. She nodded her head. 

"Yeah, by the way, how did you find her?" She asked. 

"Um Miss..." Siyang trailed off. 

"Call me Y/N!" She introduced, holding out her hand. 

"I'm Siyang," he greeted, taking her hand, "technically I didn't find Lily. Lily kind of... ran up to me." 

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Um, I hope she won't bother you again!" Y/N bowed. 

"It's cool. Um I have to go, bye," Siyang mentioned. He waved at the girl, walking off. 

When he got back, the team was still practicing, only Dachi wasn't as he was watching the practice. When he noticed that SIyang wasback, he gave a slight nod and resumed his practice with Jiale. They finished practice, when they heard a girl shriek... 

Siyang turned to see Lily and Y/N, but Lily was running to him. He caught Y/N's arm, stopping ehr from falling. 

"S-Sorry! I don't know why she's been acting up. It seems she likes to be around you..." Y/N rambled. Siyang held back a smile, but nodded. 

"Follow us then!" Jiale pitched in. He then began petting Lily, and Lily happily barked. 

"Is it okay to do so?" Y/N asked, she looked at Siyang for assurance, and he simply nodded. 

"Let's go!" Jiale ushered. 

Later, Lily was following along with Y/N as they were with Siyang. The others had left to theri own homes, and it was just those two. They were walking in complete silence when Lily suddenly ran around the two teenagers, causing them to fall. 

"Lily!" Y/N yelled. She Fell, but she fell onto Siyang. He didn't expect that, so when she fell, he kinda caught her. She tried to stand up, but Lily kept causing Y/N to fall back down. 

"Lily. Stop!" Siyang ordered. Lily immediately stopped, sitting still and waiting for his next order. 

"Thanks." Y/N said as she tenderly got up, making sure not to hit Siyang. 

"no probelm. Now, Lily, stand," Siyang barked. LIly stood, and she then followed Siyang. 

"Well, this is our stop, maybe we can hang out another time..." Y/N said as they approached a white house. 

"Sure. Here... my number..." Siyang hesitated. She giggled and took it. 

"I'll call ya!" She smiled, "Night!" 

"Good night." Siyang replied. He then walked off towards his own home, his mind still thinking over the crazy events of the day... 

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