chapter 1

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Okay, I just want you to know, I decide this story to have two chapters, that's all. :3

Thank for all who supported the first part of this. For all who liked and added this story in their reading list :)



Two weeks after, everyone in the Akashi household was getting busy.The marriage was publicize since Akashi and Tetsumi were already in their legal age of marrying.

Akashi and Tetsumi were seperated since they have seperate preparations.

Tetsumi was dressed in her wedding gown, everyone who helped her hetting dressed, eventhe make up artists were all professionals.

It was then a familiar voice suddenly spoke."You look exactly like mom, Tetsumi, very very beautiful.."

When she turned it was her brother, looking at her with a warm smile, he was standing beside their mom.

"Tetsuya, please just say that she looks like me.. don't add the last part.." Their mother said, blushing lightly.

"Hehe.. I'm nervous though.. there's gonna be so many people.. So many are gonna look.." Tetsumi said, smiling a bit.

"Such thing happens to you when you trip while running, or you forget your manners in formal gatherings.. You should be used to people watching." Kuroko said with his pokerface.

"The event will be televised as well." Their mom said, she took something and placed it on Tetsumi's hair, a hairclip. "I wore this on my wedding day.. I'm so proud I can put this on you.. You should act like you normally do.. DOn't think of whatever, this day is a special day for you, right?"

Tetsumi smiled back at her mom, "Thank you mom.."

"You would finally escape my protective baricades.." Kuroko said with a small pout. "But I trust Akashi-kun will take care of you.. I'll kill him if he won't." He pats her head.

"I do not think you can do that, nii-chan" Tetsumi sain, grinning.

"Believe me, I can.. if he wrongs you.." Kuroko said with a straight face but then softened. "You'll be wonderful, and everyone will claim you are the prettiest girl this day.. Make sure you won't show up to Akashi-kun.. it will bring bad luck."

"Yes, yes, Tetsuya is right, Tetsumi.." Their mother said, smiling at her.

"Sumi-kyun~!" Kuroyuki went walking toward them with her half-sister Akiyo. "Omedetou!"

""Yes, congratulations for being married ahead of your brother." Akiyo said with a grin as she gave Tetsumi a sisterly hug after Kuroyuki did.

"Thank you, Kuro-hime~ Aki-hime~" Tetsumi chuckled softly. "Though I still wish I can be married together with nii-chan, you'll allow him, right Kuro-pon?"

Kuroyuki blushed immediately and looked away, Kuroko looked at her then turned away, blushing as well. Kuroyuki looked at Tetsumi once again, blushing.

"Look~ How cute!" Akiyo teased both her bestfriend, Kuroko and her sister, Kuroyuki. "They're both blushing!"

"Yamete kudasai, Akiyo.." Kuroko whispered softly.

"Mou! Stop it Aki-nee! I would look like a second-rate bride! I haven't worn something extravaga--

"Now that I think of it, Tetsuya, if you don't marry Kuroyuki-chan now.. you'll be her brother-in-law and you two will be forbidden in being married." Kuroko and Tetsumi's mother suddenly said, placing her hand on her cheek, giving a worried expression.

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