Chapter Eighteen

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In the morning, I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing and I reach over to answer it. "Hello?" I answer groggily while rubbing my eyes. 

"Zeno, you busy today?" Lucca's voice asks on the other side. In the background, I can vaguely hear the others talking a little. 

"Not really, I'm just at my grandparents. Why, what's up?" I inquire and start to get up out of bed. 

"The girls asked Maika to hang out today and she said yes so you're coming too," He answers.

I scratch my head. "Alright, what time?" 

"Around noon, she'll text you where we're going!" Sera yells something in the background and Lucca quickly says bye and hangs up, leaving me staring at my screen. 

"Hanging out with Maika today, huh?" 

Her boyfriend's words resonate in my mind, his passive aggressive warning to ward me off. "I just get so protective of Maika, ya know? I mean, we've been through a lot and I don't wanna lose her."

I breathe out a heavy sigh and head to the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face and look at myself in the mirror. "Come on, Zeno. Know where your place is and don't step out of line. I can't make this trip awkward, everyone else came out here and I can't ruin it for them," 

I continue to wash up and change into a white graphic tee with acid washed ripped jeans. After eating breakfast and straightening up my room, I tell my parents and grandparents that I'm leaving and head out. I go to where Maika told me to meet them and take the bus to the mall. When I walk into the mall, everyone waits for me in the lobby. Maika spots me and waves me down. 

"Hey, Zeno!" She greets enthusiastically. 

"Hey, guys," I wave to them and walk over to the group. 

"Why do you sound so down? Come on, smile at least!" Lucca practically tackles me and takes the corners of my mouth with his index fingers and pulls the sides of them up, forcing me to smile. 

"Do I sound weird? I think I'm still a little tired," I comment and chuckle. "Okay, keep your distance but don't act weird to the point where they notice," 

The girls drag us around the mall and into all of the stores. They try on loads of clothes and Eric, Lucca, and I suddenly become their mannequins as they send us into the fitting rooms with tons of hangers and telling us what to try on. Whenever we come out, the four girls explode in various reactions. Next, we check out stores that sell small trinkets and we all buy cute plushes chosen by Sera, Maika, and Mariella. At first, Lucca and Eric were opposed to the idea but I could see it growing on them when the girls weren't around. 

Once a couple hours pass, we head out into the outdoor courtyard of the mall where some of the food stands are before we we leave. "Oh, honey bubble tea! Let's go get some!" Sera exclaims and runs over. 

"I didn't know they had this here, you guys need to try it!" Maika grabs me and Jade and joins Sera in line. I mentally curse and panic which must've been plastered on my face.

Jade pulls me back a few steps away from the group and whispers in a low voice, "Zeno, calm down. Your nervousness is totally showing on your face," 

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