Chapter 4

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The sound of worn-out breaths came from each member as the music faded out. Each one of the men stretched and relaxed their muscles as the staff called out orders to the group. A wave of relief came over the seven of them as the mention of a break was called. Jimin had an hour free to rest and get his energy back for the second half of practice. A couple of the other members, Jungkook and Jin, were heading out for a trip to the nearest coffee shop to grab a drink and a snack, so Jimin tagged along.

The three of them wore face masks and dark hats to cover their faces while navigating the Seoul streets. They were not too worried about fans recognising them right now - most would be too concerned about getting lunch for themselves. Besides, they were usually less noticeable as a smaller group. They entered the coffee shop. Rush hour had already begun here, so they braced themselves before joining the queue.

As Jimin entered the building, a familiar feeling built up in his chest. A sense of excitement and warmth came over him. It was the same feeling he felt at the restaurant a few weeks back. His eyes darted around, trying to figure out what or who was triggering this feeling. As he came closer to the counter, where the baristas stood, the feeling intensified. He knew that someone there was causing this feeling and he needed to figure out who it was.

While ordering and waiting for his snack and drink, he made sure to carefully make note of the workers' faces. Although, there was one person - the one working the coffee machine - who's face he could not make out from the direction she was facing.

Before he knew it, his order was placed before him and he had to move before more customers barged him out of the way. However, as he was about to turn away he heard the manager call a familiar name. He tried to stay put, but he was ushered away by his friends who were getting ready to head back. He tried to protest, but he did not speak.

On their way back to the building, his friends grumbled about the barista that had been holding up people's orders. Jimin didn't say anything. He felt like if he said anything now he'd forget her name.

Only one other thing floated in his mind. Was that really her?

Jimin tried his hardest not to get distracted during the second half of practice, though, that was hard to do when you have so many questions floating in your head like he did. The other members were quick to figure out that his mind was in a different place and reassured him that they were there for him if he needed to talk. However, the questions he had about the girl and why he might know her were not things he could share with them without them thinking he was going mad. In the end, he wrote her name on the back of his hand so that he could concentrate on practising.

By the time practice was over, and he finally had time to think about everything that had been going on recently, the name on his hand had been almost completely worn off from the sweat. He and the members had a meeting to go to later that evening, so they swiftly pulled themselves together and headed for the meeting room. On their way there, Jimin kept peering at the name on his hand, silently repeating it to himself. "Y/N. I know that name." he thought, "But how?"

It wasn't long before they arrived at the meeting room with their manager. Despite having lots on his mind today, Jimin was determined to participate in the meeting as much as he could.

"As you know," manager Sejin began, "we are preparing to make a new music video, but we discussed making it an animated music video. Today we need to decide which animators we are interested in commissioning."

The seven of them nodded as their eyes turned to the examples on the desk in front of each of them.

"These are a few we have had an interest in before," Sejin continued, "but if you have any suggestions feel free to contribute."

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