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twenty-three: long live



it was already late at night. yongsun received a comfort from her members, but she still wanted to be alone. 

wheein is currently resting in another empty room, some were scattered in a single one, some rooms were left empty as well. taehyung decided to take care of wheein, saying that it's his fault that wheein turns sick after diving into the water. 

yongsun was glad that the internal problems in their group were slowly easing out, but she can't help but pity herself after what happened earlier, catching everyone's attention and comfort.

she hates that.

now, she was sitting in the living room all alone, waiting for sleep to consume her. but she couldn't.

at the very moment, seokjin was fully awake as well.

"hey.." yongsun greeted back. "you're still awake." seokjin whispers. "oh well, you could sleep for so long since we have a free day for tomorrow." he gulps down some water. smiling weakly, yongsun whispers. "why are you awake, then?"

"me?" seokjin places his cup of water down, bringing the pitcher back in the fridge.

"ever since the mission, i wasn't able to sleep properly." he acknowledges. after getting his agenda done, he awkwardly looks at yongsun who was no longer speaking. 

he clears his throat.

"you want to talk about it?" seokjin asks. 

"huh?" yongsun obliviously looks at him, her eyes obviously puffy. she knows that her members were waiting for her in the room, but they also know that whenever she wants to be alone, she'll never talk to them even if they wanted to. 

"what happened earlier..." seokjin trails-off. yongsun grins softly, seeing him walk slowly and sit across her. "eric." he speaks his name. yongsun then whispers. "i've dated him after we got married..." she murmurs, turning to him. "you know that, right?"

"uh-huh..." seokjin nodded. "it was all glitters and rainbows..." yongsun whispers. "he's so good to me, jin-ah..." she squeezes her fist. "he understands everything whenever i'm busy on mission, even if continuously lie about my identity." yongsun chuckles bitterly.

"i always had a bad feeling of continuing this mission, not because of your group." yongsun murmurs. "i just had that feeling..."

seokjin continued to listen. 

"i guess this is why." she laughs awkwardly, wiping her tears. "i just... when.." she could no longer continue, sniffing softly. seokjin sighs in response, muttering. "noona, let it all out."

she giggles weakly, sobbing all of a sudden. "i just hate it."

awkwardly, seokjin lifts his hand up to grasp on her shoulder, then down to her back to pat it continuously, letting her cry. "that feeling when you realize that your relationship can no longer work because you're two different people." yongsun whispers, "what do i do, i love him so much..." she covers her face, crying. 

in defeat, seokjin gathered his strength, letting her rest in his arms while crying. "why does it have to be him, why?" yongsun cries. "i might've accepted it if he's on the good mission, but why does he have to be our enemy?" 

"there, there..." seokjin whispers, patting her back continuously.

instead of letting her speak more, seokjin only allows yongsun to cry in his arms while mumbling incoherent words. it lasted for more than an hour, and sleep finally left seokjin's body. he had always known yongsun as a strong woman, seeing her break down like this...

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