second date

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2nd date

They decided to spend their second date indoors, just cuddling and watching movies.

They are watching Jihyo's favorite movie, Titanic, while eating ice cream that Hyewon bought although the latter kept rejecting whenever the older tried to feed her, she's already sick of eating ice creams. They eat it almost everyday but Jihyo never gets tired or sick of it.

Hyewon is bored. These kinds of movies are not her style, a romcom will do, Titanic is too romantic and tragic.

She then looked at her bunny, and found her more interesting to stare at than watching that movie. So she did, she only stared at Jihyo's visual face, tracing her eyebrows, innocent looking eyes, pointed nose, fluffy cheeks, that damn luscious lips— sharp jawline, and chin with her eyes. She already did this many times but Han Jihyo is still perfect as ever, and even getting better than perfection. Sometimes, she thinks about her to sleep, how did she get lucky having her as a best friend slash bunny slash future girlfriend?

Han Jihyo is the dream girl of everyone.

Call Hyewon possessive or what but she felt her chest and eyes burning whenever someone openly talked about how they like her best friend, and felt like punching them. Jihyo is only hers. No one else. And Jo Hyewon doesn't like to share in the first place anyway. She's ready for a fight if it's for Jihyo.

She suddenly recalled the time where she almost beat someone to death because he was stalking and harrassing Jihyo, she never felt the urge to kill until that happened, her hands were really itching and her sight really went red when she saw how the guy tried to touch and hurt her bunny.

Lay a finger on Han Jihyo, and surely, you're doomed— Jo Hyewon will never hesitate to beat the hell out of you

It's an infamous phrase around their school ever since that happened, even Jihyo's loyal admirers backed out immediately, they don't want Hyewon to punch them on spot. Even if Hyewon is innocent and calm looking, she's very intimidating and can beat people up for her loved ones.

Hyewon is so lost deep in her thoughts that she didn't even realize that Jihyo already finished watching the movie and her full attention is on her. "Yah, Jo Hyewon." She called her out, making the younger snap back to reality, and hummed as a response.

"The movie already ended, let's do our homework now or Mr. Song will surely kill us tomorrow." She said and stood up, stretching. Hyewon groaned when she heard 'homework' and lied down to the bed then shook her head like a kid. "No! I thought this is a d—"

"It'll be a study date." Jihyo said, plain like she read her mind. "Come on, lazy ass. You said we'll do it after the movie." She said, grabbing Hyewon's wrist, trying to pull her out of bed and of course, failing, Hyewon is too strong.

"Get your ass up, Jo!" She nagged, and Hyewon just laughed before pulling her down and made her lie down beside her then she hovered on top of her, trapping her there at the bed, between her arms while grinning at her so brightly.

They just stared at each other for a few seconds before Hyewon brought her hand up to cup Jihyo's warming cheeks. She knows that the girl is flustered, and she is too, she's just hiding it and played cool.

"What are you doing?" The older whispered, frozen below Hyewon. The taller then smiled like an idiot. "I heard from Soojin-unnie that on second dates, kiss happens." She revealed making Jihyo a blushing mess but didn't reply.

When she saw Jihyo didn't budge or said anything, it's a sign of giving her permission.

Slowly, with her heart beating wildly, she leaned down and closed her eyes when she saw Jihyo closed hers too then inched closer until their lips touched.

five dates. // zoahanWhere stories live. Discover now