Cutest pregnancy moment (NP)

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~ One evening while your daughter was kicking and moving around inside of you a lot you were getting sore

~ Since you were cuddling with him he moved down a little so that he was level with your bump

~ He started saying something in Japanese that seemed to calm your daughter down

~ You were both shocked and thankful that he was able to get your daughter to settle down



~ One day while you both were cuddling in bed Kosmo decided to join in

~ You were a little scared of him trying to lay across your bump, but when he just rested his head on it you relaxed

~ Keith was happy that Kosmo was taking your pregnancy well

~ The three of you ended up falling asleep together



~ One day during your second trimester you were having a terrible day. You were sore all over and you were feeling sad

~ Hunk, being the kind and loving husband he is, wanted nothing more than for you to feel better

~ Since he didn't have to go to work you both spent the day cuddling

~ By dinner time you were feeling much better



~ One afternoon while you were taking a nap he decided to try something

~ He snuck up and made sure that you were asleep before he lightly poked your bump

~ When your daughter moved at the sudden feeling of someone poking her Lance kept poking in different places

~ Eventually, you smacked his hand and he yelped

~ Thankfully he never poked your bump again



~ When it was Easter/Halloween/Christmas (depending on what time of year you're pregnant) she got some face paint

~ You both went into your shared bathroom since the lighting was better

~ You couldn't believe that you were letting her paint your baby bump to look like an Easter egg/Jack-lantern/ornament

~ Afterwards, when the paint was dry, you were surprised at how good of a job she did



~ One day while you both were looking through some boxes she found some baby pictures of you

~ Naturally, you were embarrassed and tried to get them away from her

~ She kept telling you how cute you were as a baby

~ Later on, she showed you some of her baby pictures

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