The first night at home with your baby (NP)

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~ When you both finally got to take your daughter home you were happy

~ That night whenever your daughter started crying he would get up and take care of her so that you could get some sleep

~ Thankfully your daughter only woke up twice that night



~ When you both got to take your daughter home you slowly introduced Kosmo to her

~ That night when you put your daughter to bed Kosmo insisted on sleeping next to her crib

~ Each time your daughter woke up you had to go take care of her

~ By morning you were too tired to get out of bed



~ That night after putting your son to bed you wondered how many times he would wake up

~ Thankfully he only woke up once, and Hunk went to go take care of him

~ By morning you were well rested



~ After putting your daughter to bed you both fell asleep as soon as you got into bed

~ Not even an hour later your daughter started crying

~ You both immediately woke up and went to see what was wrong

~ By the way things were when you both ran into the nursery you could tell that she only wanted attention

~ However, the second and third time she woke up she actually needed to be either fed or changed. Thankfully Lance changed her after you fed her



~ Everything was peaceful as you both slept in your room while your son slept in the nursery

~ When your son woke up at around midnight you told her that you would take care of him

~ Once you got him back to sleep and you went back to bed you fell into a deep sleep

~ The next time your son woke up she went to take care of him



~ You both decided to have your daughter sleep in your room for the first couple of months

~ You were expecting your daughter to wake up in the middle of the night

~ When she didn't you woke up and saw that she was just sleeping peacefully

~ Thankfully your daughter slept through the entire night

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