Chapter Six

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The Glove breathed heavily, in large puffs of smoke. Lazaro gently covered Sarah with a blanket that was in her backpack. As for Heather, she sat still. Whatever Chief has given her yesterday was going to kick in. She couldn't believe it. She never thought he'd actually hand her a potion... she wanted to cry, but no tears came out. "Thank you...Thank you so much." She said to the Glove, who huffed happily. Although she wasn't sure why he betrayed his master, but she knew that Glove had no bad intentions. He was as wise as an elderly grandpa, and just as gentle whenever he wanted to be. Heather assumed that he was sick of being just a war-machine. The sun was rising, making everything on the outside seem ok. However, her insides were telling her much different. The Chief's words lingered in her mind like a recording. If it already wasn't crazy enough, her ears had a craving for his voice. It was strange, but every second without his voice gave her a headache. "We're home..." Lazaro stated with a happy sigh. When Heather looked down, he turned his head. "Are you alright?"

"Nothing! Nothing I'm fine..." She replied hastily. Before he could say more, something else entered her ears. Music. It was unusually different this time. Heather rubbed her right ear, only to no avail. The Glove landed on the fresh green grass. Music was not music. She heard no rhythm.... only screeches. As if someone drew their nails across a chalkboard. It.. it hurt!!! "Heather?" Lazaro asked. She didn't respond, only kept her hands on her ears. Was this how meanies felt when they hear music? Her eardrums felt as if they'd explode! She was scared now. Very scared. Then, like a spell, it vanished. She removed her hands, only to hear the soft and sweet melodies of the land. "I-I think..." She trailed off for a moment. "I think he's done something to me..." Her voice quivered in fear. He opened his mouth, but another voice entered the air. "Heather?! HEATHER?!" Four male voices to be precise. She turned her head, but couldn't afford to smile. The Beatles, were there. "Your alive!!! We never should have doubted you! Your really here!!" They must've been crying tears of joy. But one simple sound, awoke her. "Sister?" Sarah yawned. Heather whipped her head around. "Yes... I'm here! I'm here!!! I'm never leaving!" Heather fell to her knees and threw her arms over the seven-year-olds shoulders. Sarah embraced her right back. The Beatles came in for a group hug around the two. Once John Lennon realized the lonely meanie, who stood alone, he extended his hand and pulled him in as well. Sadly, the reunion didn't last long. "Jeremy!!! Oh no!!! Oh no oh no oh no!!!" Sarah exclaimed. Heather looked at her with confusion. "What?"

"He was with me when I went to go find you! We got separated! You don't think the meanies have him, do you?!" Sarah was on the verge of crying. "No! Wait a minute! He wasn't in any of the other cells! He couldn't have been... I checked them." Heather said with a finger on her forehead. Her heart was racing again. "But If Jeremy isn't there then he must be on his way there!" Ringo said with worry. "He thinks you're still captured!" George agreed. "Well, we can't exactly go back now can we? The Chief blue meanie is probably going mad right this second, trying to figure out how to get you back!" Paul pointed at Heather, who shrunk back to the floor. "I cannot believe he lied to our faces! Making us think you were dead! We should've known better... He is a liar!!!"

"T-That's just it." She admitted. "What's it? What did he do to you?" They pressed. Heather swallowed, "I think he might've gave something... me before we escaped."

He sat in silence on his palanquin. The silence would normally make him proud, but today, it did more than that. It made him feel intelligent as well. Heather would be back. It was either that or suffer every night and day. Not physically of course. Oh no no no, that would've been too easy. At the same time, he truly didn't want to physically hurt her. Only mentally. He smiled to himself. She wouldn't hurt from manipulation. "Anything to say, Max?" Chief asked the meanie at his side, who had grown accustomed to his blindness. "No your blueness...." He said with a blank monotoned voice. "Didn't think so... Even if she's gone for now she will come right back to me."

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