Chapter 1

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I sat on my sofa, tiredly glaring at my laptop screen.

I gave a quick glance at Phil, who was opposite me, before looking back at my laptop, scrolling though Tumblr.

All those days where I was in a 'permanent existential crisis' worrying about my future.

And now, I'm finally happy.

Yes I'm not exactly doing much to be productive, (even though I could if I wanted to) I still enjoy my life as a youtuber and it wouldn't have happened without all of my amazing fans.

Which is crazy because I have always admired youtubers and to actually be one, is just so mind-blowingly fantastic.

I never used to have a best friend either.

Not for eighteen years. I always wanted to fit in with the populars and never had any actual friends that have stuck around with me for most of my life.

But now I have Phil and he is the most brilliant person I have ever met.

I do not know what I would do without him.


Everything changed when Phil had to leave...

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