A Spider's Web

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Chapter 3: A Spider's Web.

I was making my way to Melissa's lab. Ochako had suggested that I had talked to her about my quirk and about my lack of web shooting. Thank god it doesn't come out of my ass though cause that would be awkward. I knocked on the door. "Coming" I heard from the other side as Melissa opened the door "Hey Izuku" I heard her say. "Melissa hi," I said, "I came here at Ochako's request. She said you were an expert on quirk research and all that." "Well, she is right, I do know my quirk history," she complimented herself, "So what is it exactly that you need help with."

"Well," I said. I jumped on a wall and started to climb around it. "That, and also..... it seems like I'm missing a certain ingredient." Melissa was dumbstruck seeing me climb on a wall.

I looked down to Melissa and she had stars in her eyes "y-you have a quirk!?" "Well, looks like it," I answered as I jumped down, "Sticking to walls and climbing. And also....." I lifted a heavy desk with ease. "Super Strength!" I heard her yelled as I gently put the desk down. " yeah the only problem is that I can't shoot any webs. But at least its not coming out of the...... you know,"

"Yeah That's would be so awkward," Melissa agreed. We spent the next few minutes running tests on what i could or couldn't do with my quirk, save for web shooting. I could jump high like a spider, climb on narrow walkways, and i had a sixth sense. "Hmmm," Melissa said, "Looks like you have a spider sense alerting you when danger is coming." "Yeah" I said "Alright let's test it" she said as she clicked a button and a rifle out of no where fired as my spider sense went of and I jumped out of the way. "Whoa," I said. Ochako looked at me. "That was a close one," she said. Melissa was thinking about how I could counter my web problem.

"I got it she said, "How bout we can make the web using different chemicals"

Me and Ochako were surprised. "You can do that?" we asked in Unison. "Well of course I can," she answered, "Remember, you're talking to a girl who invents things for a living." "Well that's one problem down," I said, "The next question is how do I shoot them." "Oh that's right," Ochako commented, "You should have some kind of tech to pull it off."

"Well how bout creating a device that can go on your wrist that way when you shoot it you can swing from it" Ochako smiled. "Told you she was a genius." "Now all you need is a flashy costume haha," Melissa joked, "But that can come later."

"Well I may have something planned" I said.

While I was doodling on my notebook, Melissa was fidgeting with technology to make the web shooters. "What are you thinking for your costume deku?" Ochako question. "Well, I was thinking of something like this," i said as i showed her. It looked somewhat like a hoodie with a spider symbol in the front. "Only thing i'm missing is a color scheme." "Well why not use your signature color," Ochako told me, "It suits you well." "Yeah..... you're a genius Ochako," I said. She was secretly blushing at that. "It's ready!" Called Melissa.

I closed my notebook and went to her. She was holding two arm braces in her arms. "With these bad boys, you can shoot webs from them," Melissa said, "They require complete pressure from your two middle fingers." "Awesome," I shouted. "Now you got your webs!" Ochako said smiling. "Time to test them out," I said. I put them on as I aim at the door and press my two middle fingers and the web came shooting out. "Awesome!" I said.

"I know right, now you've got the spider's whole arsenal." "I can't thank you enough Melissa" I said as I hugged her. "No problem," Melissa said as she blushed. I went out of the lab. Melissa then approached Ochako. "Don't worry he's all yours. I've got a boyfriend." Ochako blushed at what she just told her. "i-i-i-its not like that!" She said blushing. "You say that now," she said walking away.

Time Skip

I was on top of a building. If I was gonna be a swinger on webs, I figured the best thing to do is get in some practice. "Ok I got this" I looked to see that I was very high up "I got this I got this I got this" I aimed at a construction pole and shot a web. I missed the first time. I tried again the second time. And I missed again I tried focusing a bit more on my aim as it went the third time and it stuck to the pole. "Yes!" I thought to myself. I took hold of the web tight. I jump to the edge as I looked down to the cars passing by and I took a deep breath "tallyho" "3, 2...... 1....." "Deku!" Ochako called me startling me. "Huh?" i asked before realizing i was swinging away. "AAAAAAAAAAUGHGHGHGHGH!" I manange to get to the other building but couldn't stop swinging and I hit the bill board "ow".

"Ooooooohhhhhh," Ochako said from the other side, "Deku are you alright?!" I gave her a thumbs up. "I guess I need more practice." I then heard a scream from a store. I looked to see people running from something. "What's going on?" I thought to myself. I rushed over to where the danger was. IT was him..... The Sludge monster was causing trouble. I saw other pro heroes such as Hawks fighting it off.

Someone flew down like lightning. He held out his shield. "Fear not citizens!" he said, "For I. Am HERE!!!!" "All Might!" I yelled with sparkles In my eyes. I took out my notebook. "Where did you get that!?" Ochako question. "I always have it with me," i said, "When I get a chance I write down notes on pros" Ochako giggled. "That's adorable!"

I watch in awe as all Might was dealing with the villain. Ochako giggled to herself. "You really are a big fan of his," she said. I saw a car going through the danger. The sludge monster knocked it in the way and it was going off the bridge. "Oh no," I said to myself. All of a sudden I felt my legs move on their own as I rushed in.

Just before the car flew off, I used my web shooters. I made a web big enough to catch the car and keep it suspended in the air. Everyone looked in shocked and awe as I arrived at the scene. Ochako looked in amazement. I climbed down and pulled the back off. A little girl looked at me. "Are you gonna hurt us?" she asked. "No, I'm gonna help you," I said, "Up you get."

I started carrying the little girl to safety. The web was sticky enough to keep its hold. "I owe Melissa big time," I said to myself. One by one I got the family to safety, and a few pro heroes got a look at me.

I was all nervous since I technically don't have a license like them. All Might finished off the sledge monster with one of his signature moves, The Detroit Smash. It was a hard punch to the face leaving the monster immobilized. Meanwhile, I had gotten the last person out of the car before it fell in the ocean. Once I climbed back up I was greeted with faces and glares. "Uh oh...." One person slowly started to clap and soon everyone else joined in.

'I guess my debut isn't so bad' I thought to myself. Ochako was coming through the crowd. "Pardon me, best friend coming through, that would be me," she said. "Did you see all that?" I asked her. "I saw, and that was brave," she said, "But try not to make a habit of this. There's other ways of getting attention you know." I chuckled. "I'll try to remember that, but hey not bad for a first debut," I said, "Let's beat it before we get in more trouble." "Right, right," Ochako agreed. We started heading home. "Right," Ochako agreed. As we were heading home, Captain All Might was watching us. "That boy," he said smiling, "He seems intriguing. Maybe I should have a talk with the lad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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