Chapter Seven

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Frisk looked a bit confused for a moment before shrugging and running up to a sign that read, "Welcome To Snowdin!" It was decorated with colorful christmas lights. We walked past a shop and the Snowed-Inn before I stopped in front of my favorite restaurant: Grillby's. My mouth started watering, so I asked the most logical thing. "Hey kiddo, you hungry?" They quickly nodded. "Ok, we can eat here then." As we walked in, all the regular customers greeted me either with a friendly hello or a pat on the head. I jumped up onto one of the stools and tapped the one next to me. As they sat down, another whoopie cushion went off. I tried my best not to laugh. "Oh yeah, I forgot to warn you to be careful where you sit, sometimes weirdos put whoopie cushions on the seats." They crossed their arms and huffed, though they looked like they were holding back laughter too. "What do you want to eat? Burger or fries?" I asked, giving them the very small menu. Frisk pointed at the burger. "Hey Grillbz, one burg please." He left and returned quickly with the burger and placed a bottle of ketchup in front of me. Frisk had just begun eating as I had already finished the entire bottle of ketchup. I sighed in satisfaction and almost fell asleep before Frisk nudged me. "Aw, come on kid, I'm tired." They picked me up and before we exited the restaurant, I drowsily called out a signature, "Just put it on my tab Grillbz."

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