I'm going numb

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Quirrell was still breathing heavily. He was shaking. In his head only one question repeated itself:

Where is he?

While Quirrell thought about that question over and over again, he realized in what danger Voldemort could be. He probably was completely alone out there with no body. He wasn't used to that anymore. Only the thought of what could happen to his boyfriend drove Quirrell crazy. He jumped out of the bed as if he had been stung and ran straight out of the house.

He didn't care that he still was in his pajama.

He didn't care that it was 5am.

The only thing that was important now was Voldemort.

It was raining outside so he was within minutes completely wet. "Voldemort?!" Quirrell shouted. "Voldemort, where are you?!"
Not a single sign of Voldemort was to be seen.

But he didn't want to give up. Not yet.
After an hour of constant searching and shouting, Quirrell sank to the ground, crying. It was still raining, everything was wet but he didn't care.

He felt desperate, lonely, helpless.

What if he's dead? he asked himself.

Or what if he's out there and needs my help but I can't help him? Then it's my fault when he dies.

My fault.
All my fault.

He felt like all the happiness in the world had been taken from him. It was hopeless. He sat there in the rain for a while. But when he got thirsty, Quirrell convinced himself to go back inside their house again. He had a terrible headache. The first thing he did when he got inside was grabbing a towel to towel himself off. Then he changed into his day clothes and went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee.

He felt completely numb. Except for the headache of course. The sun slowly rose while Quirrell slowly drank his coffee. It was halfway cold when he was done. But he didn't care.

Nothing meant anything anymore.

Suddenly, he noticed a flash pictures in his mind. A strange person, a foggy forest and Voldemort, desperately shouting:

"I'm scared! Help me, I need you! Please hurry!"

First Quirrell froze for a few seconds. Then he started to run through the whole house, collecting stuff he'd probably need for his rescue mission. After 20 minutes, he had a completely full backpack standing on the kitchen table in front of him. He didn't think any longer, he grabbed the keys, locked the door and started walking into the direction he thought Voldemort would be.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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