To Lose is to Die | Glorfindel

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 "Glorfindel! Are you okay?" you ask the golden elf that stood before you, his jaw clenched in frustration. Frustration directed at you. He didn't answer your question, merely turned from you and briskly walked towards the training area. He quickly picked up a sword, throwing it towards you. You barely had time to catch it before he grabbed a sword of his own.

"No time, we need to train." Without giving you proper time to get into a fighting stance, Glorfindel is already flying towards you, his sword ready to strike. You barely manage to move out the way, giving you little time to focus on parrying his next attack that came faster than the previous. This continued on for five minutes; Glorfindel swinging at you, and you barely managing to avoid being hit - whether with a parry or simply moving away. You eventually managed to get in the swing of things, finding a rhythm in his fighting style. Until he switched it.

After swifly stepping aside from a swing that nearly cut a chunk of your hair out, you didn't noticed his second swing. The blunted training sword smashed into your right leg. With a soft help your legs collapse under you. Immediently after your body touched the ground, leaving you prone, Glorfindel pointed his training blade at your throat.

"You're dead." he simply says in an eerily calm voice.

"Wha- I don't understand. What was that for? Usually you give me a warning when you start swinging sharp objects at me!" You accuse Glorfindel, shoving his blade to the side and attempting to stand on your feet.

"Don't you understand? An orc is not going to wait for you to be prepared to fight. They don't play fair! They play dirty and fight to win." he exclaims, carelessly throwing his sword to the side. "To loose is to die."

"I'm not going-" you begin, moving to the elf that turned his back to you, attempting to soothe him. Finally the reason for his anger clicked in your brain. He's afraid.

"How do you know? What you did was stupid. You shouldn't have offered to join the Fellowship in destroying the ring." he mutters, still refusing to face me. I place a single hand on his shoulder, turning his body to face me. My other hand gravitated to his face, softly stroking his cheek.

"And do what? Sit here in Rivendell swindling my thumbs while everyone else fights for me. I live in Middle Earth too, I'm going to fight for it like everyone else." I mutter, staring directly at him. His resolve breaks, grasping my hand in his own, he lowers his forehead to rest against mine.

"Just promise me you won't die. I need you to survive this."

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