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The year 2021 was known as the year after disasters. The previous year was full of crazy, terrifying, and downright impossible situations, but once it was over, it seemed everything was fine. The year started significantly better than the previous year had, and only continued to get better. Economies skyrocketed, new technology was developed, more emotional understanding of other people. All positives.

May 17th marked the end of humanity. The bad luck from the previous year hadn't run out, it had simply paused in its chaos, and once it came back, it was worse than before.


The powers were pretty awesome at first, that was until everyone started... turning into mushroom... monsters. Damn, Neil Druckmann really called it!

So, hello! I'm Amelia Basilisk. I'm 19 and I never fuckin' learned how to read- not really. I'm literate. My world was turned upside-down three years ago, and since then, zombie apocalypses have become a reality.

Ever heard of the video game The Last of Us? That's what this was. May 17th, 2020 marked the start of this fungal infection, and since then, the day has been deemed The Falling. What a stupid fucking name, oh my god.

The meteor, now known as the Catalyst (see, that's a cool name!) fell from space, landing on Earth and bringing with it a DNA altering fungal infection. The only difference between my world and some random zombie apocalypse film is that Fungals (the zombified people) gained supernatural abilities! Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Just like Avatar!

Each Fungal could be any of these elements, though it wasn't incredibly common. Another difference to note is that, instead of the Fungals getting stronger the longer they've been infected, they get weaker. A Fungal that's a year old has absolutely no elemental powers, cannot see or hear, and can only really hobble around like walking corpses.

A Fungal that is only a month old, however, looks entirely human, save for the eyes, and has any elemental power described above (you don't need a recap, you're not stupid). My camp has been dealing with the lower tiered Fungals for a while now, and we've been incredibly careful in making sure no Highers are nearby.

Last week marked the end of our monotonous and honestly boring routine.

Something even more supernatural occurred! Wanna know what happened?

Then stay tuned!


"Dude, that was stupid. This isn't a talk show!" A whispered voice could be heard, feminine.

"I'm making it one!" A laugh, the words whispered just like before, "Besides, do you want our story to be boring?"

"Absolutely not." You could hear the smile in her voice.

Fungal FuryWhere stories live. Discover now