Ch.19 TinCan (2)

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Ch.19 TinCan (2)

Tin's P.O.V.

I walked away from Kong and hand my cellphone out as I dialed the bodyguard agency's number.

"Hello and thank you for choosing Bangkok's number 1 bodyguard agency. This is Prim how can I direct your call?" -Prim

"I want to be directly connected to CEO Fong." I snarled into the phone.

The silence was all I heard on the other side before a brief response.

"Right away Mr.Suthiluck."-Prim

I waited for only a few seconds before I heard the voice that I've been waiting for.

"Mr. Suhtiluck to what do I owe this call?"-CEO Fong

"I need those other bodyguards NOW!!!" I hollered not caring if I offended him or not.

"What happened?"-CEO Fong

"My brother was attacked on campus in broad daylight and the single bodyguard you've given me didn't do so well in protecting him."

"My apologies. Do I need to have him canceled and send someone to replace him?"-CEO Fong

"No. I don't have the time to wait to pick another fucking candidate. I want those four other bodyguards here by tomorrow.........or else." I snarled before I hung up not caring about formalities and all that shit.

I was too busy fuming that I hadn't noticed another presence until I heard his voice.

"P'Tin. Are you okay?"-Can

I turned around and saw the annoyance, but for some odd and strange reason, his appearance actually gave me comfort. Not that I would admit it.

"I'm fine!"

"I know you're not. I upset as well that someone tried to harm Nong Kong. If I was there when the bastard was there, I would have kicked his ass."-Can said while showing off some martial arts moves.

I did like that he was wanting to defend my brother but I still didn't trust him.

"How do I know that it wasn't your scheme?"

I know. You're thinking something like "Tin. Why would you say that when he's proven to care for Kong and want to protect him." Well, you know me. I don't trust others easily.

Of course, as if he read my mind "I know you don't trust me and I think that's fair, but believe me when I say that I will protect Nong Kong with my life. He has become someone important to me and the thought that someone has tried to harm him makes me want to scream and beat the person to a bloody pulp."-Can

I will admit to myself only, that I was starting to like this Can guy. I nodded my head to show that I do believe him. Why? I don't know, but for some weird and unusual reason, I knew deep down that I could trust him.

The mood had changed and was getting better until Off showed up.

"Khun Tin."-Off


"Unfortunately the CCTV didn't get a clear look of the suspect, but we do have a basic idea of what he looks like. I'm going to urge my men to get here tomorrow and we will find the guy."-Off.

"Good. I want you on that starting tomorrow, and help will be there. I have demanded that those other four bodyguards be here by tomorrow. I then what any and all info sent to me directly. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" I yelled the last part.

"Yes, Khun Tin!!"-Off

I turned away and walked back over to Kong, but before I left I turned to Nong Can and nodded my head to him once again and I could see that he got my message.


I hope you like this chapter. I will try and update a little more frequently, but I can't make any promises. I have a lot of family issues coming up and it will require my full attention. Also, any and all ideas or advice is welcomed.

Please do vote and comment. PhaYo chapter will be uploaded within the next 45mins. I haven't written it yet, but will and upload it to thank all of my patient readers.

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