The Days When Art Teacher Was Sad & All Alone

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art teachr pov:
'ah' ar teacher said but realy sad like. 'i-i wish i had someone to love in my life, but... only a woMEN!!' (authers note: spoiler alrt hes actually VERY GAY!!) 'ok i should go do someting witth my live. and o.go to work' and.. so he went to work.
once art preacher got to the school, he went to his classroom and putted on his green art apron. 'i think today will be a good day' he said.
and if coarse his students came in, all dad to see their homeroom teacher. At teacher was talking, and teacher the ways of art. his class only lasted an hour 'ok bye kids see you tomorrow!!!' )the student went to their next classes)
Ring ring eing
W-w-hg-wHAT WAS that noise?!?! fry teacher thout to himslef.
The lady on the e speaker phone says:
'Art treatcher, plz report to the office for, uh, your stuff.' (Atoms note again soRry D: art teacher isnt accually getting anything, but this is a plot hole!!!)
And then .he school day was over! Art t got home and though to himself maybe I shold find my old diary....... he found it and flippet to the most recent page
Who uses diaries anymore?
Send help.
-me, a certified guy'
that was honestly terrible. Maybe 'cause i wrote it when i was 14. yeah, that's a good explanation.
Then art teacher went to bed. When he woke up he got redy and went to work.
'happy friday everyone I hope you're doing good today. ok have goud day.' the lady on he announcedments said.
Arr techer FINNALY finished all his classes for the day and went home...... or si he thought....
He was running for back door to go home, but he ran into a man. At teacher began apologising intil he looked up.. the man was quite— well, art teaker couldn't put his finger on it. 'O-o-o-oh..... im sorry, si-sir..' the guy said shyly. Art tequila's heart started beating so fast. They started at eachother blushing. 'W-well see you later?' The man said.
and they both eft for the weekend, not realising the their future that lies ahead.......

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