Spanish Teacher's Feelings

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Spanish teacher's POV:
Once I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about that man, that strangely handsome man.
"Ugh, I hate this," He said as he closed his apartment door. He started wash some of his dishes, but, for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about... him.
(in da morning :D)
He looked around his bedroom ince he woke up, und he went to his kitchens and made some coffee. And, well, he wanted to see art guy again.
He went out to the supermarket, and, well, nothing happened.

🖊Athens note: it ned to be mondæ, so it Mond€5ggg(:/!;93🖊
(on Money)

'ok, hopefully i can find the teacher of art today.' ßpanish teacher thot. And he got brekfast a school, and went into the cafeteria. Œnce he walked in, e was SHOKED. Art teacher was shitting at a table, eating with a few other techers. He recognised all auf them. CS teachnoloer, art teacher, some math tecaher, an d the band teacher.
'Heeêëēęy, sseñor techer (Asthma's note: dat's he nickname xD)
'O-oh........... hi' Senior Spanish Teacher said very shyly.
„come shit down with us!!' The CS teach said.
So, he waled over, and sat down right next to.... art teacher 🥵😳😳
"Hello," art teacher said sweetly. oh, also he said it with a big smiled. :D
Ok, that was about a 4 minute period where the teachers have the cafeteria to themselves before all of the students come in and eat. Art teacher got up to leave, but señor teacher of Spanish grabbed his wrist.
"Wait! Can we talk? In your room?" Spinach teacher asked askingly.
Art teacher was wondering what he meant by wanting to talking in his classroom meant. Art t. said, "O-ok?"
Sie got to art guy's room, and started talking.
Art T: "Well? Spit it out."
Spanish T: 'wanna be friends?"
Art T: '.....yes.... plz I need friends...,'
Spanih T: 'cool'
Art T: 'so, want to meet up adter school,,,?'
Soanish T: 'yes!"
They had lots of fun for about 10 minutes.
'I realy enjoyed talking to you!'
They both blushes and  Spanish tecaher went to go treche his classes.
Spani tech was grading quiz peppers when.... all of the sudden.... art teacher came in.
'Hi! i hope you're albe to still hang out...' art t said sadly.
'No, it's OK. i can still come.' spanish T said happily.
(tHey went to Walmart to hang out (obviously))
'Sooooo....' said spanish tecaher.
'ye-yes,,,?' dart teacher said says.
Spanish tect looks into arr teacher's eyes, and saids: "I want to got to know you more...'.
Art teacher swatted to blush. 'W-what?!'
'Is that not o-ok..,,?'
'no, is fine.'
Spanish ten thought inside of his tiny little meatball brain: hmm, maybe I could invite him over to my place, y'know, like kids do.
'Hey, um, want to hang out and get our work dine at mu apartment?'
Arrt teacher stared at hin for a moment, and the agreed.
'ha... yeah, that's a pretty terrible pie of artwok-' sid spab teacher. Oh, and then Art Teacher passed out bæcæuse this is a fanfiction, so of COARSE.
'H-h-hujjua HUH?!?! what am I foing TO DO?!' the Art Teacher may or may not have died. So spapish tier slung the Art Trachea ober his shoulder; then went to his room. He put ar teacher on his full-sized mattress, and left the room. Ohhh well, I sleep on the couch...
(Audio's note: No! Sleep in the bed too!)
He got on the couch, and almost feel asleep, but he kept thinkinf about art Techr.
(He next morning)
Art T was shacking spanpish T to get up for work. 'Um, hey, you should probably get up.' Ært teacher said.
'Ah!!!! Sorey!!' Spa T said. And, so, he got up.
'Wir haben time to eat, so I found random garbage in your kitchen. And, yes, I DO know that you never gave me permission to go in there, but, like, d'you really care?' Art teacher said like the SMART, HUNKY man he was. ;)
'i- ok.'
They ate and stared at each other the hole time.

aart teacher's pov;
Oh my god, he's so HOT. I think I'm in love with him, wtf.

spanish Teacher POv:
Jeez, I forgot to grade those papers. I'm probably in trouble now. Oh, and he's really cute of course. (gotta keep it on topic there).

They went to work. Once the school day was over, spanish tacher came back home, and dreamt about the HOT art teacher.
He needed to get closer to this man.

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