Chapter Thirteen- A spark of insanity

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I had this whole chapter written but that was like two years ago and I can't find it, so bare with me on this one!


Zayn woke as a ray of sun beat down on his face. Moaning and running a hand through his hair, he began to stir, surprised by the lack of noise in the house.

Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Zayn looked around the room. The light shon through the curtains,  giving the room a summery feel.

Swinging his feet over the edge of the King sized bed, he rubbed his eyes once more. Something felt odd.

Pulling on a pair of boxers, he left the bedroom in search of food.

Entering the large kitchen, Zayn mentally thanked Niall's brother for offering the four boys his home while the Horans took a family holiday. He couldn't spend another day in that hotel.

Noticing a piece of paper on the breakfast bar, he sat down. He recognised the writing almost immediately as Louis'.


Li, Haz and I are at the airport booking the flight for tonight. We'll be back around half three. Get some rest.

- Lou

Zayn stared at the note. Louis had been trying so hard since the funeral. Zayn knew that he was beating himself up for showing weakness.

Of course, Zayn himself had his moments, but he knew he could deal with tragedy. He'd had his fare share. He didn't want to mourn Nialler.

Even though he wanted to tell Louis to relax, it was good to see him taking charge again.

Although, he would of liked to have been told they were leaving.

"Bit rude that, don't ya think?" A familiar accent rung through the kitchen, causing Zayn to jump, "I mean come on, if ya gonna be leaving the country, at least share it with everyone!"

I lump formed in Zayn's throat, and he spun around attempting to find the source of the voice.

He turned to see a familiar figure stood leaning against the counter.

"Mate, you look like shit!" The voice laughed.

"N-niall?!" Zayn practically screamed, his face pale and hands shaking. He broke out in a cold sweat.

"Nooo,  it's Harry! Of course it's bloody me! " the young boy spoke.

"But you're..." Zayn began, his throat restricted too much to say any more.

"Hungry? Tired? Dead?  Yeah all that." Niall laughed, walking over to the fridge but not opening it.

"H-how?" Zayn stuttered.

"Ummm... ghosts are real, Liam is pining and Brooklyn is a bitch?" Niall stated vaguely in a bored voice.

"What d-do y-" Zayn began only to be cut off.

"I'll let Brooklyn tell you." Niall stated, looking fondly at a picture of his nephew.

"Who's broo-" Zayn began only to be cut off yet again.

"Hello Zayn." a girl's voice said from behind him. Zayn spun around too see who was there.

The girl's accent was obviously American, but like no American accent he had ever heard. It was so posh, but not forced, and she had an aura of sophistication.

The girl stood tall, with her blonde hair reaching her waist, and her eyes held a sense of wisdom. Zayn knew from her face alone that she was older than she looked.

"Zayn, I am going to put this simply, and let Niall fill in the blanks." She stated, "every year on the fourteenth of June it is my duty to chose one person, of whom must have been taken for granted, but loved so much. I take this person, and I remove them from the earth for three months. I chose the person who the one I have chosen means the most to, and see if,  in those three months, that person can realise they love the one I picked enough to let them go." She paused as Zayn attempted to take in all of the information, "Niall has a chance that, in the past, others have not. He gets you to help him. I made a mistake with Niall, as I saw he was taken advantage of by one person, without seeing he is loved by millions more. So I gave him the option of confiding in you, so that you can help him. You must help him in his mission. You can only see him. If you were to tell another living being, I will have to take Niall away indefinitely.  Good luck, Zayn." The girl told him, disappearing in to thin air.

"Brooklyn is one for a drama." Niall stated.

Zayn looked at him in awe as he began to realise the whole ordeal was real.

"Anyway... We lost a month, so we have two months to get Liam living his life again!" Niall clapped cheerily.

"Liam?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah." Niall smiled, "poor guy couldn't live without me!" He joked.

"So... This is mental, Ni. " Zayn laughed, "I missed you bud. " he smiled, a tear rolling down his face.

Niall opened his mouth to reply when the front door opened.

"Honey, I'm home!" Louis called out, trudging in to the kitchen. Harry trailed behind him, smiling at Zayn as he entered.

Liam walked in last, his face down cast and Niall's long sleeve jumper hanging off his ever thinning body.

Zayn looked towards Niall and sadness filled the younger boy's eyes,  before he suddenly disappeared.

"You alright Zayn?" Louis asked, placing a hand on the Bradford lad's shoulder looking concerned.

"Look like you've seen a ghost. " Harry stated.

If only he knew.

"Any way, better get packed! Back home to London in three hours!" Louis told him, leaving the room.

Harry left shortly after, leaving just Zayn and Liam.

Looking at the younger boy closely,  Zayn realised just how much of a challenge this would be.


I don't have much to say... hope you enjoy! I have a phone that I can update on now so I really have no excuses!! Much love,

Sophy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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