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God rly made me black and a woman and put me in America and told me ✨work w it. Sometimes I feel like fate loves playing w me , on top of being black in America , I'm in a predominantly white school and neighborhood just imagine the stares(👁👄👁) when I go for a jog. Most of the white kids love saying the n word esp w the hard r and some even say it to my face.
I'm darkskin and when I was younger I was always called 'monkey' or 'darkie or charcoal'. I've struggled to love my skin a lot and the worst thing is on top of the racism I've received, I've also received colorism in my own community especially by boys. So yeah , me and fate are total besties😍.
The white girls who were calling me monkey or charcoal are the ones who are fetishizing black men and mixed children w curly hair and blue eyes
They are the same ones getting lip fillers after laughing at my big lips for yrs, they r the ones who are getting box braids after telling me that I look "ghetto " in them. Oh how the tables hv turned.
Despite all this , I've come to love my skin and my 4c hair. And I love myself and I know black is beautiful and so is my name HELENA , it's sounds like a name for a goddess which ik I am
colorism is just as bad as racism if not worse bc u expect your community to accept you~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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