Chapter One- New Mexico

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I'll stay with you chapter one.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking, we are now landing in New Mexico City. Local time is 4:30 pm, enjoy your stay and thank you for flying with us."

My eyes snapped opened when I heard the over head speaker go off. Damn, I had just gotten to sleep. Slowly, I shake Ethan awake. He had fallen asleep on my arm, which had now lost all feeling. His blue eyes were filled with sleep, so I carried him off the plane. After customs and baggage claim, we made our way to the pick up space, where I saw a young man holding a sign that said

"Larissa and Ethan Swan"

I somehow managed to hold Ethan and carry my baggage to the man.

"Miss Swan, let me take your bags and come this way"

The car drive was 40 minutes and the whole time I was scared out if my wits. What if my uncle doesn't like us? What if he's cruel? Will Ethan like it here? It's a lot different from back home in Melbourne, it's hot and so much more crowded. He also won't get to go outside and play because of safety concerns. What if my uncle looks like my dad? Tears started to well up in my eyes but I refused to let them fall, now was not the time to cry. Ethan was with me and I had to be strong for him.

"Lar-Lar, it hurts" Ethan croaked to me, clutching his stomach in pain. I felt a stab through my heart. I wanted to take away the pain, or at least have it pasted on to me so I can carry the pain for him.

"We'll get you some pain killers soon. Just hold on a little longer, Eth" he grabbed my hand and started squeezing it. Another stab went through me. Why can't I take away the pain?

"Miss Larissa, we have arrived. Mr Fernandes is waiting inside."

Breathe Larissa, breathe. He's your uncle, your blood, he can't hate you... Of course he can! Stop lying to yourself women.

As I got out of the car I gasped in amazement, the house, no mansion was so grand. There were guards everywhere all dressed in black and scary looking but other than that the house looked so pleasant.

"Lar-Lar, are we going to live here?" Ethan asked my with excitement in his voice. I smiled at the tone of his voice. I hadn't heard him like this in a while.

Walking hand in hand with Ethan we both were looking at the place with our mouths wide open. This place was even more beautiful inside than out. White marble floors, beautiful flowers, paintings and sculptures. The lighting was amazing, the sun streaming in made the whole place look magical. This might not be so bad. I could imagine myself reading a book by the window, chasing Ethan and Char-- No, Charlie isn't here anymore. The day dream was over as quickly as it began. How could we be happy here with half our family missing?

"Larissa, Ethan, welcome to my home" I looked up to find a man who looked nothing like my dad dressed in an expensive looking black suit with no tie. His jet black hair was gelled back to perfection, he also carried an air of authority around him. It made me nervous but the genuine smile on his face made me feel a bit more at ease.

"Hello, sir. Thank you for letting us stay in your house. We appreciate it" I said in a formal voice trying to impress him. He eyebrow creased and he looked troubled for a moment before smiling once again.

"Larissa , I'm uncle Kyle. I wouldn't have let you stay anywhere else. This is your home as well." He said kindly.

I tried to smile but could only manage a little one. I'm glad that we were going to around him. He seemed really protective and I hoped that he would become protective of us. Ethan let go of my hand and ran towards Uncle Kyle, hugging his waist. Shocked ran across both our faces, but only to be replace by happiness from him. I felt like this man was lonely, hopefully we can fix that...

"Will you really let us stay? Can we be a family, daddy's gone and Lar-Lar needs someone to look after her while she looks after me" I gasped in shock as Ethan said those words. Had he really noticed my pain? He never fails to amaze me. This seven-year-old, even though he was going through more pain than me, still noticed mine? This bought my tears back up to the surface. I tried to push them down again, but this time they wouldn't go down. Ethan, noticing my tears, lets go of Uncle Kyle and runs towards me, hugging me tightly. I hug him back awkwardly, trying to avoid squeezing him to hard.

"I'll leave you kids to it then"

Ethan then turns around and says "Please stay with us"

Uncle Kyle nods and lightly hugs us both.

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