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Standing in front of her mother's workplace Cady looked at her reflection in the big glass door.Light brown hair ,pale blue eyes filled with excitement staring at her.Tomorrow is a big day for her after years of hardwork finally she got the scholarship of  Presidency- the school of her dreams  filled with determination she knew it that she's gonna rock those five years and will make her mother proud.Getting out of her trance of thoughts she looked at the bag in her hand the reason she is here for.Cady and her mother Evelin both live in Brooklyn ,though her mother works in upper east side but she rarely comes at this  side of city.She was lost in her chain of  thoughts when a black limousine pulled in front of her. A middle aged lady around forty wearing a dress that screams money came out of the car , a girl that seemed to be her servant holding an umbrella followed her.The second door of car opened  a girl stepped out in white heels higher than her standards wearing white off shoulder maxi dress reaching her upper knee, well-cared mousy brunette hanging down till her shoulder ,her half of the face covered by white fascinator hat,carrying a bag worth of her house or maybe more.The girl looked like that she was of  same age as Cady but dare she compare herself with that brunette.The girl have milky white porcelain skin while her skin was covered with  freckles ,she was too delicate too soft that she'll get dirty by anyone's touch.Cady looked herself in the glass door nothing special about her she looked so plain her features so boring that people won't  even give her a second glance wait  what is she even doing comparing herself with that filthy rich or maybe spoiled brunette who has thousands of worker around her who might even don't know the value of hardwork and saving as she must have gotten everything in her golden plate.She just hate herself no she just hate these rich people who don't understand the value of emotion and feelings, for whom everything in this world comes with a price.She still remembers how her father whom she loved more than anything left her and her mother for a rich lady ,how easily that lady bought their love ,how easily that lady snachted her father from her with few million dollars....

Coming back to reality, she cant let these thoughts weaken her self -esteem, tomorrow she is going to Precidency and nothing can change that not even the fact that the place where is she going is filled with Manhattan's richest spoiled brats!

Cady's encounter with the brunette girl left her self conscious and gave her the trailer of what awaits for her.Tomorrow is a new day ,new beginnings ,new people .The day she'll finally enter Precidency .What has destiny in  store for her? Will her life change for good or she's gonna get nightmare for her lifetime...

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-Heyyyyy Felllas! huh finally this is my first time writing and I really have no experience so please ignore any grammatical mistakes.Also comment down if this prologue excited you.And I really want to tell you again that this is not an ordinary story of poor girl ,this story will be having more that one huh! 

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