Info n Rules!

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Hello and welcome to Naruto Question of the Day!! Thank you for clicking, I hope we can all have fun here!

Basic rules: 

1. You can comment your answer to any day's question at any time, it doesn't have to be the current day's. 

2. You are allowed to respond to other people's comments, but make your own comment when answering the question.

3. DM me if you want to suggest a question! I will dedicate the chapter to you if I post your question :3

Conduct Rules:

1. Be polite (duh). No bashing other people's likes and dislikes. You are allowed to express your likes and dislikes, you can politely agree and disagree with people, but you are not allowed to be rude or mean to PEOPLE based on the way they feel. I hope I made that distinction clear enough. Violation of this rule will mean you will be banned from responding to this book at all.

2. Be warned! There might be spoilers. I'm going to try to keep spoilers out of chapters, but there might be some in the comments. Don't be mad if someone spoils something for you--unfortunately that's part of the game here. A lot of these are favorites so someone's favorite fight, for example, might be later in the series, or someone's favorite character might not appear until later.

That's pretty much all I can think of, actually! hehe. Feel free to continue to the questions now!

 Feel free to continue to the questions now!

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