☆ Chapter One ☆

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It has been decades after the battle between the kings By-Tor and Snowdog of Lamneth. Both kingdoms lived peacefully together. The kings had a town square built between the kingdoms with a fountain. The fountain is well known outside Lamneth but nobody outside Lamneth can find it. There in the town square two friends can be found chatting. Alex Lifeson from Snowdogs kingdom and John Rutsey from By-Tors kingdom. Close friends since their youth.

Both now sailors and have had a love for the waters since they were young. They tend to keep spirits high on the waters by playing songs together. Alex can play string instruments and John can play percussive instruments. Alex is good at improvising lyrics on spot as they're playing. So they're well liked aboard ship and have good reputations.

After a long day aboard Alex fell asleep after both sailors got home. John ended up stay up for a while. Alex woke up later that night tireless. He grabbed his lute and sat out at the empty deck near where he lives. He starts mindlessly playing his lute and watching the water. He watched some fish go by and saw a long purple fish tail down at the bottom of the waters. "Purple?" He thought. "In a river?" He stopped playing and looked more closely into the water. It looked like it connected to the top half of a human. He gasped and it jumped but didn't swim away. The creature looked up at Alex and he was enchanted. It had a beautiful face with green eyes and long black hair that flowed. It saw Alex was no threat and swam up out of the water to look at him. It was interested in Alex. It came up and pointed to his lute. Alex moved his head to look at what it was pointing at.

"My lute?" It looked confused in response. "Lute?" Alex looked at it surprised, its voice sounded beautiful. Alex wanted give it his name. "Oh!" He gestured to himself and said "Alex!" It smiled in response. The creature gestured to its self in the same way and said "Geddy." Alex smiled back "Geddy. I like that."

Back at Alex and John's residence John wakes up. He noticed it was quite and looked for Alex. He wasn't in "probably woke up and went to the dock." John gets his boots on and goes outside. He already sees Alex by the dock but doesn't see Geddy until he gets closer and he pauses when he does. He hears a splash in the waters next to him and jumps but Geddy didn't leave. So his head shoots to the river on the left. All he sees is a long red tail going into the water. So he gets closer only to see a mermaid with beautiful dark brown hair. "Woah." It looked at him. It has a face that looks slightly aged but wise with a moustache above its top lip. It doesn't swim away but it looks scares and doesn't know what to do. So John puts his hands in the air to show he's no threat. He slowly moved forward and the beautiful creature relaxed. So John approached it and said "I'm John." "John? I'm... Neil." John felt his face go warm, Neil's voice is so nice. Neil reached out in interest to touch John's face.

Alex is strumming his lute again and Geddy looks content. Alex suddenly came up with lyrics and sang them. The next time Geddy joined in singing with Alex. Alex forced himself to keep playing and singing because he was surprised to find that Geddy sang as well as he does. They make eye contact and smiled and Alex giggled a bit while singing. They eventually stopped after awhile. The two sang another song then Geddy had to leave. Before leaving Geddy went down to the bottom of the river and picked up the prettiest rock he could find and gave it to Alex. They smiled and waved goodbye. Alex is enchanted by Geddy and feels like he's in love.

Neil touched John's face and John lost his breath. Neil almost looked like he was in love, looking into John's eyes and touch his face. Neil was shocked. He felt nice and his hair was soft. He was resistant to take his hand away but he had to. Before he did, John put his hand over Neil's. Then John shook himself out of his own enchantment and took his hand away, and Neil did the same. Neil suddenly went under and John got scared. "D-did I do something wrong?" He asked himself. He sat thinking and a bit later Neil came back up with a small assortment of rocks he found appealing. John picked one out and Neil smiled and dropped the rest. They parted ways with smiles and both reminisced on their memories of eachother.

Alex saw John down by the river a bit down the gravel path. John was just smiling to himself and Alex jogged up and asked "is everything okay?" John jumped because all he was think about was Neil. "Oh! Hey hi. Just thinking y'know." "Yeah... Let's head in for the night." John just nods, he still wants to think about Neil. They made it to the seaside house and John immediately retired to his room to dream of Neil with the rock under his pillow. Alex made a note to to go to the town square tomorrow to get a canvas, and put the rock down next to it. He wanted to remember Geddy as well as he could. Then he turned of his lamp and went to sleep and dreamed of spending time with Geddy.

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