☆ Chapter Two ☆

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While leaving John to go back home Neil saw Geddy swimming back home as well. He met him down there, intrested in what he was up to. "What were you up to?" Neil questioned. "Oh! Hello Neil! I spent time with a nice being from land!" Geddy excitedly answered. "Oh really? So did I. They were very interesting. He was named John, he was cute. His face warmed up and gained color when I spoke." "Oh, interesting. Mine was named Alex. He was adorable and played an instrument! I think it was called a Lute. It sounded very nice and he could play it fast!" He smiled and thought of the land being. "Maybe they can teach us how to play and speak their language." "Oh I hope so that would be so fun!" Geddy love the time he had spent with Alex and wished to spend more of his time with him. "And perhaps I gave him a rock." He looked away a little shyly. Neil looked surprised but he spoke up "I picked some out for John to choose one." "Did he?" "Yeah, he did." Geddy gasped in response but smiled. "Oh I can't wait to meet John now!" "And I can't wait to meet Alex!" Neil giggled. "So... when can I meet him?" "I'm not sure, what about tomorrow if they're there?" They both smiled and giggled while looking at eachother hand in hand. Then they cuddled up and fell asleep together on the waters floor.

John woke up the next morning with his companion Cheems in bed with him. His room had a window with sheer curtains and the sunlight peacfully woke him up. He got and put on his boots and took Cheems outside to do his business. John went back in with Cheems and saw Alex in his chair with his dog Walter in his lap. He had a small notepad on top of Walter he was writing about something. John took off his boots and Cheems ran to his dog bed and curled up. John walked behind Alex's chair and put his head on his shoulder to see what he was writing. John couldn't make out Alex's bad handwriting and had to ask "what're writing about?" "Oh, just about the experience I had last night before going to the town square to buy a canvas." "Ooo, what happened last night?" John had a little hint of mock sensualness in his voice. Alex gave a small laugh "you'll probably think I'm crazy but I- I met a mermaid last night." John gasped, "what?" Alex asked. John smiled and responded with "so did I! I thought it might have been a dream or I was going crazy!" Walter jumped down from Alex's lap and joined Cheems taking a nap. "Wait really!" "Yeah! He had a red tail and brown hair and a really nice moustache! Oh, and his voice was a bit deep but nice I was like enchanted by it." John replied. "Woah. Wait what if we all met?" John smiled and laughed "I would love to meet the one you met! Also question what were they like?" "Oh! He has black hair and is handsome and pretty... and he had a purple tail. It matched his beautiful skin." "Ooo, its seems like you really like him." John had listened with interest. "I do, oh and before he left he gave me a very pretty rock he found." "Wait really? Neil showed me a small assortment of pretty rocks and I picked one out." Alex looked visibly confused. John thought about it and said "I bet it's like some sort of like promise y'know? Like we sometimes buy promise rings for our significant others." John explained. Alex felt his face warm up a bit "o-oh I- I didn't think of that." "I was just kind of thinking out loud doesn't mean it's right." "I feel like you are though for the most part." Alex expressed. "Huh. Well I can't wait to meet your friend." John winked at his friend and started making himself something to eat. Alex came up behind him and gave him a hug just because he was so happy. John was surprised but smiled when he realized it was just Alex. He turned around for a second to give him a kiss on the cheek and smile at him. John loved it when Alex smiled, he was adorable.

Geddy woke up in Neil's arms. It was nice cuddling with him, he felt safe. Then Neil stirred and Geddy smiled and put his hand on his face. Neil's eyes opened and he smiled "goodmorning." "'Morning." Geddy just looked at Neil smiling, he was very handsome and Geddy really liked the moustache he grew out. He was amazed by Neil he seemed to be talented with just about anything he did. He was a bit shy though due to his anxiety. "I can't wait to meet John tonight." Geddy happily said. "And I bet Alex is nice to be around." Neil replied with. Both joined hands and headed out in search of resources.

Both parties spent the day doing things and trying to keep each owns mind of their counterpart to make time go by faster.

When it got dark John and Alex planned to wear something nice and brought their rocks with them. They waited for them at the dock where Alex met Geddy and played songs together. Alex brought his Lute again and John brought some bongos with him. They mostly played slower songs they could play solo as well if desired.

Geddy saw Alex at the dock they met at and swam a bit faster but Neil had no trouble keeping up. Still hand in hand Geddy broke the waters surface and smiled at Alex. Who in return gasped and smiled back. Then Neil saw John behind Alex and smiled to himself. The mermaids moved to the side of the dock so they could see their partners. John saw them holding hands and smiled and pointed. The two looked down to their hands and up at eachother in wonder. "Do they not regularly not show affection platonically?" "I don't know." Geddy brought their hands up out of the water. Alex then grabbed John's hand. They all smiled together. John brought his notebook with his because he wanted to try and teach them some english so they could speak to eachother. John noticed that Neil seemed the most interested and pick up on the alphabet and basic sayings quickly. Geddy had a harder time but Alex was determined to help him so they could communicate. By the time it was time for them to depart Neil could put together simple sentences and Geddy knew the alphabet and simple words. They said their goodbyes and headed home. Geddy and Neil held hands until the got back to their little safe spot. "I think John is cute and nice. I can see why you like him." Neil smiled and said "and I can see why you like Alex hes patient and I think once you'll get a better grasp of English you'll like his jokes. You two have the same taste when it comes to comedy." Geddy smiled back "oh. Well we should get some sleep so we can get our partners gifts." "I wonder if I could find something John would like?" "We'll see. Besides it doesn't have to be grand just yet. We barely know them!" "But you know how I am with gifts." "I know Pratt, you want it to be meaningful but I'm pretty sure he'd love even just a small gift." "Alright, you're right Dirk. I'll just try my best to find him something." They smiled at eachother and Geddy grabbed Neil's hand and went to their sleeping area and cuddled up "I'm sure you'll find something he'll like." Geddy said quietly with a small smile. Neil smiled as well and he closes his eyes.

While walking to their residency John grabbed Alex's hand and smiled at him. Alex looked down and smiled and looked up at John. They giggled and made their way inside where they were met by their companions Cheems and Walter. Alex managed to convince John to fall asleep while cuddling with him. John left his door open to his room for Cheems and Walter to sleep there instead since there wasn't a lot room in Alex's bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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