Chapter 4

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Armed men and the military were deployed by Mr. Terrance in search of his daughter.
There were lots of road blocks and check points, searching every vehicle going to and fro in the city.
These exercise lasted till dusk, distracting every ones attention from other activities going on in the city.
Allen had the best opportunity to carry out his plans without any one suspecting him or how it happened.
Allen got past the check points in a taxi , head straight to Mr. Terrance school.
School, were only the wealthiest get to have access to quality education, neglecting the poor in the society.
This insolent act got Allen troubled and angry.
At first, he hesitated to abort his plan, but he had to make him pay for his wickedness.
“He was smiling killing innocent people who did him nothing, infants who have no knowledge of their cruel life style were slaughtered”
Allen said, remembering the cry from his sisters and cousins choked in their own blood.
“He grazed them to dust in flame”
Allen said almost shouting out in tears.
He's full of rage now, and everything resounding in his head is the thought of destroying the enormous structure in front of him.
Allen brought out handmade dynamites he made while in Sodom, planted them around and all over the school buildings, he made sure at the impact nothing stands on the property.

After he had planted them all, he walked far away from the scene beyond suspicion, he had killed all the security guard on duty before he went ahead with his plan, so no alarm will go off till he detonate the Dynamite.
Few minutes later, there was a mind wrecking explosion sending fireworks  into the night sky, pulling the attention of night walkers, and the cops, and everything on the property went down to dust and rubbles.
There was commotion in the city, no one knew what has happened, no one believed what they’re seeing right now,
Mr. Terrance school is no longer standing.

News of the explosion was everywhere already everyone is talking about it.
Mr. Terrance is in shock seeing his wrecked school.
“Any one who did this to me will pay with their lives, how dare they?” 
Mr. Terrance said angered.
Immediately he called the legal forces to investigate this issue.

Allen went back to his house and met Mr. Terrance’s daughter trying to escape.
He laughed at her attempt of escape.
“What do you think you’re doing miss?”
Allen asked
“Its Tracy” she replied telling Allen her name.
“Oh!, I see, Tracy. What’re you doing?
“ What did you see that I’m doing mister?”
she asked not answering Allen’s question
Tracy picked up an iron bar heading straight for Allen, Allen dodged as she lashed at him with every energy left in her.

Allen who’s high up, try as much to avoid her lashes with the iron rod,
but it seems she’s determined to give him an ass whopping,
gives her a hard blow to her back causing her spine to dislocate and she collapsed crashing hard on the floor.

“Ahhh!!!, She screamed with great pain, she couldn’t move her body.
Allen carried her lumpy body back to the chair she was tied up earlier, he sits her down and switch on the TV showing her the news.
“That’s what you get when you mess with my family, my life. They were all I’ve got to live for, you get that?”
Allen said shoving her head to watch.
“Dad!” That’s the only word she could mutter at that moment.

Allen explained everything to Tracy, who her father is, and what he does to get his money.
The reason he ganged up with his friend and destroyed his family.
“They killed innocent children.” Allen shouted at her, grabbing her hair sending sharp pain to her dislocated spine.
Tracy is going through a lot of pain right now, her breathing is shallow and she can’t move her body,
she begins to cry out for help while Allen left her there to feel the pain her father caused him.

At dawn Mr. Terrance became restless, he couldn’t find his daughter, Tracy.
While at home, he received a call from an unknown caller.
“Hello” he answered
“Listen Carefully, if you wants to see your daughter alive, I need you to do something for me, go to the press and tell the world, you plot together with your friends to annihilate the high prosecutor’s entire family.
Tell them you deal on drug trafficking to get wealth with the government as your backup. Do this and your entire family will live.

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