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Mina had somehow convinced the bakusqaud that they were going to the mall because 'bakugous wardrobe was making her sad' "THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH MY CLOTHES PINKY" "you've been wearing the same shirt since you where six, deku has photos to prove it" "so fucking what it's a good shirt, and it hasn't been the same just similar." "Alright whatever, we're still going to the mall whether or not you want new clothes." "Fuck. No."  "Fuck yes!"        
Time skip
No one was really sure how Mina convinced bakugou to come with them but in the end Kirishima and Kaminari found themselves sitting on either side of bakugou; kirishima perfectly at ease resting his arm on bakugous shoulders, kaminari trying his absolute hardest not to get murdered for touching the blondes leg with his own in the cramped car.
"Pikachu stop shaking!"Bakugou growled at denki, kaminari tried his best to relax which was hard with bakugou growling at home every time his leg brushed up against the other boys. Once they made it to the mall Mina announced that they all needed food before they went to any stores and dragged them all to some restaurant she liked, after they had eaten she took them to a few other stores then said that she needed to meet someone at Starbucks.
"Why the hell do we need to meet someone at Starbucks pinky?" Bakugou grumbled as Mina dragged him towards the entrance "stop making this hard for me, you'll like her, she's cool" Mina retorted. "I don't like anyone and shitty hair is the only one I'll tolerate" bakugou growled back "aww I love you too Baku" kirishima said laughing bakugou just blushed and shook of f minas hand walking towards the Starbucks on his own.

A/N: sorry for not posting then leaving it on a cliff hanger I've had really bad writers block(yes for the last month) I'll try and post more now since I actually have ideas

Kiribaku fluffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora