Chapter 17

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Y/n POV:

-Ruel ran over to you as you cried from the pain. You looked down to see that your leg was bleeding.

Everyone else quickly ran over to see what happened

Ruel: "we should take her to the hospital"
Joshua: "we can take my truck"
-Ruel ran you to Josh's truck with you in his arms still crying-
Ruel: "it's gonna be okay, don't worry" he reassured you
-Ruel put you in the back of his car as Josh drove to the hospital while Emme, Roxy, and Jake drove separately right behind you-
Y/n: "it hurts so bad, I think I cut it on metal"
Ruel: "I'm so sorry this happened to you y/n" he looks at you sadly gently rubbing your head and occasionally your cheek
Y/n: "thanks Ruel" you laid your head on his lap closing your eyes from the pain
-you finally arrive at the hospital as Ruel carries you in his arms through the doors-
Ruel: "please help, my girlfriend cut her leg badly on some metal at the beach and is bleeding really bad" you looked at Ruel when he said this... he's never called you his girlfriend before...but you don't mind it
Nurse: "what's her name?"
Ruel: "y/n L/n. She's 17 years old"
Nurse: "okay, we'll get her in as soon as we can" Ruel nods and sits down with you still in his arms waiting for them to call your name.
-he looks down at your poor, tear stained face sadly and moves your hair out of your face and wipes your tears as you bury your face into his chest still lightly crying from the pain-
Ruel: "Im sorry about all of this, I wish this was me instead of you" he looks at you and you can tell he feels horrible
Y/n: "Ruel don't say that, I'll be okay, you don't have to worry about me" you gently wipe your tears so Ruel won't feel so much pity for you.
Ruel: "I love you" you panic. Is this too soon? What do I say? I mean, I guess I'll just say the truth
Y/n: "I-I love you too" you smile at him. He gently kisses your forehead. That just happened. First he called you his girlfriend. And then he said he loved you. Maybe this whole situation isn't so bad after all.
Nurse: "y/n L/n" Ruel quickly but carefully stands up with you in his arms and walks you to where the nurse is. But turns around to tell Josh something.
Ruel: "hey, when the others get here tell them that we're back here, okay?"
Joshua: "okay, I will. Now go" he shews you and Ruel just smiles.
The nurse takes you to one of the back rooms. The pain hasn't left. It throbs. And is getting worse. You continue to let out a few tears trying to hide them so Ruel won't feel bad but it's hard to hide them.
Dr. Grey: "hi I'm Dr. Grey, you must be y/n, so tell me what happened"
Y/n: "I tripped over what must have been a rock and fell on some metal which cut my leg" you say through your tears
She then walks over to examine what's wrong. A look on her face appears. One that you don't want to see when they're looking at you.
Dr. Grey: "did you get the chance to look at this metal by chance before you left?"
Ruel: "no, it all happened so fast we had to rush her here"
Dr. Grey: "well, it appears that the metal was rusty. If we don't take care of this soon her leg will become infected. You're going to need a tetanus shot right now just in case." Your eyes go wide with fear. You look at Ruel sadly. Shots are your biggest fear. You've never been able to handle them well. Yes, even being a 17 year old.
Ruel: "hey don't worry bub, you'll be okay. I'll be here the whole time. You can squeeze my hand however tight you need to." He says grabbing your hand and wiping your tears.
Y/n: "thank you. For being here. And for making me feel better. It means a lot." You say pulling him down to hug you. You let out some more tears and he wipes them away.
-Dr. Grey walks back into the room with the needle-
Dr. Grey: "are you ready" you look to Ruel and then squeeze his hand slightly tighter
Y/n: "as ready as I ever will be" she chuckles at your comment

Ruels POV:

She tightens her grip on my hand slightly and looks at me sadly. I can tell she's nervous, and scared. I hate this. I hate seeing her like this. She doesn't deserve any of this. I wish this could have been me. But it's not, so all I can do is be here for her and make her feel better as best I can.

Dr. Grey: "are you ready?"
Y/n: "yes" she says closing her eyes squeezing my hand tighter than before
Dr. Grey: "3...2...1" she squeezes my hand so tight I didn't know she had this much strength as dr. Grey sticks the needle in. She cry's and it makes me so sad.
Dr. Grey: "you did it" she smiles "good job" I gently brush my hand against her cheek and give her a kiss on the top of her head.
Y/n: "thank you. So what else do we have to do?"
Dr. Grey: "well, I'm going to consult some of the other doctors and see what they think. I will let you know shortly."
Ruel: "thank you Dr. Grey" she smiles and walks out. "I'm so proud of you. You did it" I smile at her
Y/n: "thanks Ruel. I'm sorry we had to make this extra trip. I'm sure you're tired from today"
Ruel: "don't be sorry at all, I'm happy to be here. And at least it gives me an excuse to be with you for longer." I wink at her
Y/n: "come here" she smiles gesturing her arms for me to fill the gap. She scoots over and I sit on the bed with her with my arms around her as we anxiously wait for Dr. Grey to come back and tell us what's going to happen next.

Y/n: "so Ruel..."
Ruel: "yeah?"
Y/n: " 'girlfriend' eh?" My stomach turns...she caught that.


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