I Built a House that Embarrasses People to Death - 2

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The house was fun, it had everything they needed, everything that made them happy, but things were getting more and more strange to Ellis Dee. Every time when she saw her peers' cheerful, carefree smiles amid those weirdly unexplainable pleasures, a sense of horrid haunted her. Deep inside, she knew something's wrong. That's why after flipping through boring books and playing with some blocs, Ellis went over to the front door of the house. She pushed open the heavy glass door and stepped outside, trying to grasp some fresh air. To her surprise, she found that she couldn't get any further despite the small pavement outside the mansion, it was as if an invisible wall was separating her from the outside world. 

Suddenly, a silhouette-like figure showed up to her. She was so frightened that she almost lost balance. When she looked closely, she saw a lady with black skin and a red-haired pony-tail, whose body was slightly transparent. She grinned at her and whispered, 'Hey.' 

'He... hello', replied Ellis, puzzled. 

'A Sim who can see me! Bravo! Randomly generated, huh?' the lady seemed to be overjoyed.

Still shocked, Ellis stepped back to keep the distance while muttering, 'Who are you? Why are you...'

'Transparent?' the lady smirked, 'I am one of those who died and never got revived, and, somehow, got stuck in this game as a ghost for eternity!' 

Ellis' jaws dropped. She had no idea how to react to this matter-of-fact answer. Did she die? Well, obviously she died, but how did she die? Why can I see her? What's happening? Thousands of question marks seemed to hover above her head. Seeing this, the lady observantly laughed, 'Com'on, don't tell me you're a newcomer! That you've never been through at least one death!'

Ellis got more astonished and speechless over the lady's remark. What? Am I going to die? To make matters worse, am I going to die more than one time? 

'Oh, poor little girl,' the lady's laughter turned into a sympathetic smile, 'It's alright. You'll get to know the rules of the game. And I heard that once you get used to it it'll no longer hurt, so it really doesn't matter...'

Ellis was almost tearing up now, and frantically she uttered, 'But why would I be dying? How could I possibly be dying? How?'

'Well, I'm not sure too,' the lady shrugged with a sign, 'They said the humans like this kind of game.' 

'But why would they like to kill us? How dare them?...' 

'Killing us is not a crime, baby. We are not actual living lives,' the lady smiled as Ellis bawled her eyes out. She had barely known this world and she didn't want to lose everything, she had been so new to this world and she could not accept it if she were dying.

Meanwhile, Australia Man was lying on an inflatable floating bed in the shape of a whale on the pool, witnessing that weird girl with colourful hair talking to herself and mysteriously weeping at the entrance of the mansion. He watched her retreat into the house and buried herself under the blanket. He was so bored. He decided to do something bizarre. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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